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Friday, September 20, 2024

Mengenal Sertifikasi ACA JIRA


1. Apa itu ACA?

ACA (Atlassian Certified Associate) adalah sertifikasi yang menunjukkan kompetensi dalam mengelola produk Atlassian, seperti Jira dan Confluence. Sertifikasi ini cocok untuk profesional yang ingin memvalidasi pengetahuan mereka dalam penggunaan alat Atlassian untuk manajemen proyek, ITSM (IT Service Management), dan kolaborasi tim.

2. Jalur Sertifikasi ACA:

  • Atlassian Cloud Foundations: Pengetahuan dasar tentang produk Atlassian Cloud, model berlangganan, manajemen pengguna, keamanan, dan dukungan.
  • ITSM dengan Jira Service Management Foundations: Konsep ITSM dan bagaimana Jira Service Management mendukung ITSM.
  • Jira Software Board Configuration: Kemampuan untuk mengonfigurasi papan Jira Software dalam mendukung metodologi Agile seperti Kanban dan Scrum.
  • Jira Software Essentials: Kemampuan mengelola pekerjaan di Jira Software dengan metode Agile.
  • Confluence Essentials: Menggunakan Confluence untuk kolaborasi dan pengelolaan kerja tim.

3. Manfaat Sertifikasi ACA:

  • Peningkatan Karier: Mendapatkan pengakuan resmi atas keahlian dalam penggunaan alat Atlassian.
  • Efektivitas Tim: Meningkatkan produktivitas dan kolaborasi dengan memanfaatkan produk Atlassian secara maksimal.
  • Pengakuan Profesional: Menunjukkan bahwa Anda memiliki kompetensi dalam penggunaan Jira, Confluence, dan alat Atlassian lainnya.

4. Biaya Ujian:

Biaya untuk setiap ujian ACA adalah $100 USD.

5. Tempat Ujian:

  • Online: Ujian dapat diambil secara online melalui sistem proktoring jarak jauh.
  • Offline: Ujian juga dapat dilakukan di pusat ujian PSI Exam Centers, yang tersedia di berbagai lokasi.

6. Cara Persiapan Ujian:

  • Pengalaman Praktis: Sangat dianjurkan untuk memiliki pengalaman langsung dalam penggunaan produk Atlassian.
  • Pelatihan Online: Atlassian menyediakan kursus gratis yang bisa diakses melalui Atlassian University untuk mempersiapkan ujian.
  • Simulasi Ujian: Berlatih dengan soal-soal simulasi ujian dapat membantu persiapan lebih baik.
  • Bimbingan oleh Trainer: Untuk persiapan lebih efektif, Anda dapat dibimbing oleh Mr. Hery Purnama, seorang trainer bersertifikasi ACA Jira. Beliau dapat membantu Anda memahami materi dengan lebih baik dan siap menghadapi ujian. Anda bisa menghubungi Mr. Hery Purnama melalui WhatsApp di 081-223344-506.

7. Jumlah Soal dan Passing Score:

  • Jumlah Soal: Ujian terdiri dari 25 soal dengan durasi 60 menit.
  • Passing Score: Untuk lulus, Anda perlu mencapai 72% atau lebih.

Dengan persiapan yang matang, bimbingan dari trainer berpengalaman seperti Mr. Hery Purnama, serta pemahaman mendalam tentang produk Atlassian, Anda bisa meningkatkan peluang sukses dalam memperoleh sertifikasi ACA.


Hery Purnama - Certified Trainer for JIRA

 Hery Purnama is a highly experienced trainer specializing in project management and agile tools, particularly JIRA, one of the most widely used project management software solutions for agile development teams. With extensive hands-on expertise, Hery provides training for teams and organizations to optimize their project workflows, enhance collaboration, and ensure successful agile and DevOps practices.

Expertise in JIRA

Hery Purnama’s proficiency in JIRA spans across various aspects, including:

  • JIRA Fundamentals: Helping teams understand the core features of JIRA, including issue creation, task management, and team collaboration.
  • JIRA for Agile: Guiding agile teams in setting up and using Scrum and Kanban boards, managing sprints, epics, and user stories, and tracking project progress through reports and dashboards.
  • Advanced JIRA: Enabling teams to customize workflows, use JIRA Query Language (JQL) for advanced issue tracking, and integrate JIRA with other tools in the Atlassian suite, such as Confluence and Bitbucket.
  • JIRA Administration: Teaching administrators how to configure JIRA projects, set up permissions, customize fields, and manage users efficiently.
  • DevOps Integration: Leveraging JIRA's capabilities in DevOps environments by automating workflows, integrating CI/CD pipelines, and tracking deployments and incidents.

Training Programs Offered by Hery Purnama

  1. JIRA Fundamentals Training:

    • Overview of JIRA features.
    • Issue creation, assignment, and tracking.
    • Managing projects, tasks, and boards.
  2. JIRA for Agile Teams:

    • Setting up Scrum and Kanban boards.
    • Managing backlogs, sprints, and epics.
    • Using JIRA reports for agile project tracking.
  3. Advanced JIRA:

    • Customizing JIRA workflows and screens.
    • Advanced issue searches using JQL.
    • Reporting and dashboards for deeper insights.
  4. JIRA Administration:

    • Project configurations and custom field management.
    • User and permission management.
    • Integrating JIRA with other Atlassian tools.
  5. JIRA for DevOps Teams:

    • Automating workflows and triggers.
    • Integrating JIRA with CI/CD pipelines (e.g., Jenkins, Git).
    • Managing deployments and incident tracking.

Why Choose Hery Purnama?

  • Comprehensive Experience: With a background in agile methodologies, project management, and DevOps, Hery ensures teams not only learn how to use JIRA but also how to maximize its potential in real-world scenarios.
  • Tailored Training: Hery’s training sessions are customized to fit the unique needs of different teams, ensuring that both beginners and advanced users get the most out of JIRA.
  • Hands-On Approach: His training style is practical and interactive, allowing participants to engage in live JIRA projects and apply what they learn immediately.
  • Industry Knowledge: Hery has provided JIRA training across various sectors, including IT, manufacturing, and government organizations, enhancing his ability to tailor the training to specific industry needs.

Certifications and Qualifications

  • Certified JIRA Trainer.
  • Extensive experience in JIRA for Agile, DevOps, and project management.
  • Expertise in Atlassian suite integrations (Confluence, Bitbucket, etc.).

Contact Hery Purnama for tailored JIRA training solutions for your organization via WhatsApp at 081-223344-506.

Hery Purnama - Certified Trainer untuk JIRA di jakarta, bandung, bekasi, tangerang

Hery Purnama merupakan trainer berpengalaman yang mengkhususkan diri dalam manajemen proyek dan alat-alat agile, terutama JIRA, salah satu perangkat lunak manajemen proyek yang paling banyak digunakan oleh tim pengembangan agile. Dengan pengalaman praktis yang luas, Hery memberikan pelatihan kepada tim dan organisasi untuk mengoptimalkan alur kerja proyek, meningkatkan kolaborasi, dan memastikan keberhasilan penerapan praktik agile dan DevOps.

Keahlian dalam JIRA

Keahlian Hery Purnama dalam JIRA mencakup berbagai aspek, antara lain:

  • Dasar-dasar JIRA: Membantu tim memahami fitur inti JIRA, termasuk pembuatan isu, manajemen tugas, dan kolaborasi tim.
  • JIRA untuk Agile: Membimbing tim agile dalam menyiapkan dan menggunakan papan Scrum dan Kanban, mengelola sprint, epik, dan user story, serta melacak kemajuan proyek melalui laporan dan dashboard.
  • JIRA Tingkat Lanjut: Memungkinkan tim untuk menyesuaikan alur kerja, menggunakan JIRA Query Language (JQL) untuk pelacakan masalah lanjutan, serta mengintegrasikan JIRA dengan alat lain dalam suite Atlassian seperti Confluence dan Bitbucket.
  • Administrasi JIRA: Melatih administrator untuk mengonfigurasi proyek JIRA, mengatur izin, menyesuaikan bidang, dan mengelola pengguna dengan efisien.
  • Integrasi DevOps: Memanfaatkan kemampuan JIRA di lingkungan DevOps dengan mengotomatisasi alur kerja, mengintegrasikan pipeline CI/CD, serta melacak deployment dan insiden.

Program Pelatihan yang Ditawarkan oleh Hery Purnama

  1. Pelatihan Dasar-dasar JIRA:

    • Pengantar fitur JIRA.
    • Pembuatan, penugasan, dan pelacakan isu.
    • Mengelola proyek, tugas, dan papan.
  2. JIRA untuk Tim Agile:

    • Menyiapkan papan Scrum dan Kanban.
    • Mengelola backlog, sprint, dan epik.
    • Menggunakan laporan JIRA untuk pelacakan proyek agile.
  3. JIRA Tingkat Lanjut:

    • Menyesuaikan alur kerja dan tampilan JIRA.
    • Pencarian isu lanjutan menggunakan JQL.
    • Pelaporan dan dashboard untuk wawasan yang lebih dalam.
  4. Administrasi JIRA:

    • Konfigurasi proyek dan manajemen bidang kustom.
    • Manajemen pengguna dan izin.
    • Integrasi JIRA dengan alat Atlassian lainnya.
  5. JIRA untuk Tim DevOps:

    • Mengotomatisasi alur kerja dan pemicu.
    • Integrasi JIRA dengan pipeline CI/CD (seperti Jenkins, Git).
    • Manajemen deployment dan pelacakan insiden.

Mengapa Memilih Hery Purnama?

  • Pengalaman Komprehensif: Dengan latar belakang di metode agile, manajemen proyek, dan DevOps, Hery memastikan tim tidak hanya belajar menggunakan JIRA, tetapi juga memaksimalkan potensinya dalam situasi nyata.
  • Pelatihan yang Disesuaikan: Sesi pelatihan Hery disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan unik setiap tim, memastikan baik pemula maupun pengguna tingkat lanjut mendapatkan manfaat maksimal dari JIRA.
  • Pendekatan Praktis: Gaya pelatihan yang praktis dan interaktif, memungkinkan peserta untuk terlibat dalam proyek JIRA secara langsung dan segera menerapkan apa yang mereka pelajari.
  • Pengetahuan Industri: Hery telah memberikan pelatihan JIRA di berbagai sektor, termasuk IT, manufaktur, dan organisasi pemerintah, meningkatkan kemampuannya untuk menyesuaikan pelatihan sesuai dengan kebutuhan industri tertentu.

Sertifikasi dan Kualifikasi

  • Trainer bersertifikat JIRA.
  • Pengalaman luas dalam JIRA untuk Agile, DevOps, dan manajemen proyek.
  • Keahlian dalam integrasi suite Atlassian (Confluence, Bitbucket, dll.).

Hubungi Hery Purnama untuk solusi pelatihan JIRA yang disesuaikan bagi organisasi Anda melalui WhatsApp di 081-223344-506.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Hery Purnama – Trainer in IT/Standard/Management Public Frameworks , exam preparation


Profile: Hery Purnama – Expert Trainer in IT/Standard/Management Public Frameworks

Contact: Hery Purnama | WhatsApp: 081-223344-506

Hery Purnama is a distinguished trainer specializing in various IT and management frameworks, offering in-depth training for professionals aiming to enhance their expertise in IT governance, service management, security, auditing, project management, and business analysis. His vast knowledge covers both foundational and advanced certification programs, equipping learners with the essential skills to excel in today’s IT and management landscape.

Expertise in Best Practices Frameworks:

  1. ITIL v.3/2011 / V.4 Foundation (IT Infrastructure Library)

    • Understanding the ITIL framework for managing IT services, focusing on service lifecycle and service value system (SVS).
  2. COBIT 5.0 / 2019 (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology) Foundation

    • Mastering the COBIT framework for IT governance and management to ensure alignment between IT and business goals.
  3. TOGAF (The Open Group Architecture Framework) PART 1 & PART 2

    • Enterprise architecture framework, helping organizations design, plan, implement, and govern enterprise information architectures.
  4. ArchiMate (Enterprise Architecture Modeling Language)

    • Visual modeling language for enterprise architecture to help describe, analyze, and visualize relationships among business domains.
  5. PMP/ CAPM (PMBOK - Project Management Body of Knowledge)

    • PMI’s globally recognized certification focusing on project management methodologies and best practices.
  6. CRISC (Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control)

    • Expertise in risk management, with emphasis on IT risks and how they relate to the organization as a whole.
  7. PMO (Project Management Office)

    • Establishing and managing a PMO to standardize project management processes across organizations.
  8. CTFL - ISTQB (Certified Tester Foundation Level)

    • International certification for software testers, focusing on basic principles of software testing.
  9. SQA (Software Quality Assurance)

    • Implementing systematic processes to ensure software quality throughout development.
  10. PRINCE2 (Projects in Controlled Environments)

    • Widely used project management methodology, focusing on controlling project stages for successful delivery.
  11. RDBMS Concept (Relational Database Management System)

    • Overview of relational database principles, management, and best practices for data storage and retrieval.
  12. DMBOK (Data Management Body of Knowledge)

    • Comprehensive guide to best practices in data management, covering governance, architecture, and operations.
  13. SAD UML (System Analysis Design with UML 2.0)

    • System analysis and design methodologies using Unified Modeling Language for system development projects.
  14. CBAP (Certified Business Analysis Professional) with BABOK V.2

    • Advanced certification focusing on business analysis best practices as outlined by the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK).
  15. SEO & Digital Marketing

    • Strategies for optimizing websites for search engines and promoting online visibility through digital marketing tactics.
  16. e-Filing with EDMS (Electronic Document Management System)

    • Implementing and managing electronic document storage and retrieval systems.
  17. ISO/IEC 27001:2022 (Information Security Management Systems - ISMS)

    • International standard for managing information security, focusing on risk management and protection of sensitive data.
  18. ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018 (Information Technology Service Management)

    • Standard for managing and delivering IT services that meet business and customer needs.
  19. ISO/IEC 38500:2008 (Corporate Governance of Information Technology)

    • Framework for IT governance and ensuring that IT supports the organization’s strategic objectives.
  20. ISO/IEC 90003:2014 (Software Engineering)

    • Guidelines for applying quality management to software development.
  21. ISO 28000:2007 (Supply Chain Security Management)

    • Standard for managing security risks in the supply chain.
  22. ISO 22301:2019 (Business Continuity Management Systems)

    • International standard for business continuity planning and resilience.
  23. INDEKS KAMI V.4.2 (Information Security Index) - BSSN

    • Indonesian Information Security Index framework developed by BSSN (Badan Siber dan Sandi Negara).
  24. Six Sigma Foundation (Green Belt)

    • Introduction to Six Sigma methodologies focusing on quality management and process improvement.
  25. IIoT (Industrial 4.0 Internet of Things)

    • Integration of IoT technologies into industrial operations for automation and smart manufacturing.
  26. Managerial Skills and Leadership

    • Developing essential managerial skills and leadership capabilities for IT professionals.
  27. KMS - Knowledge Management System

    • Implementing and managing systems to capture and share organizational knowledge effectively.
  28. eLMS – Electronic Learning Management System

    • Managing and delivering online learning content and courses through a structured platform.

    • Practices integrating software development, operations, and security to accelerate delivery while maintaining high-quality standards.
  30. CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor)

    • Globally recognized certification for IS audit control, assurance, and security professionals.
  31. CCISO (Certified Chief Information Security Officer)

    • Advanced-level certification focusing on executive-level information security management.
  32. CISM (Certified Information Security Manager)

    • Globally recognized certification for managing and governing information security programs.
  33. CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional)

    • Advanced certification focusing on the architecture, engineering, and management of information security programs.
  34. CDPSE (Certified Data Privacy Solutions Engineer)

    • Certification focusing on data privacy governance and management in organizations.
  35. CGEIT (Certified in Governance of Enterprise IT)

    • Expert-level certification in enterprise IT governance.
  36. Scrum Master and Product Owner

    • Agile roles focused on facilitating Scrum practices and product management in agile development teams.
  37. Securing & Auditing Microservices Applications

    • Best practices for securing and auditing microservices architectures.
  38. COBIT 2019 Design & Implementation

    • Detailed understanding of COBIT 2019 for designing and implementing governance systems.
  39. ITIL V4 Foundation

    • Comprehensive coverage of IT service management best practices with ITIL 4.
  40. ITAM (IT Asset Management)

    • Managing IT assets throughout their lifecycle for optimization and compliance.
  41. Data Storytelling (Infographics)

    • Using data visualization techniques to effectively communicate insights through infographics.
  42. Effective Writing Skills

    • Enhancing communication through clear and concise writing in IT documentation and reports.
  43. Operations - Capacity Management

    • Managing operational capacity and ensuring that IT services are delivered efficiently.
  44. HDFCNA - HDF Certified NiFi Architect

    • Expertise in Apache NiFi for data flow automation and real-time data processing.
  45. ICT Document Management

    • Managing and organizing ICT-related documents for easy access and compliance.
  46. Technical Writing for Software Development

    • Writing clear and concise documentation for software development projects.
  47. Modern ICT Operations Management

    • Managing ICT operations with modern tools and practices to ensure efficiency.
  48. IT Risk Management

    • Identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks in IT environments.
  49. IT Helpdesk Management

    • Managing IT helpdesk operations to deliver effective support services.
  50. PCI DSS 4.0 Lead Auditor

    • Understanding and auditing compliance with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) version 4.0.
  51. Project Management with Agile (Scrum, RAD, Kanban, VModel)

    • Managing projects using agile methodologies such as Scrum, Kanban, and VModel.
  52. UI/UX Design

    • Designing user interfaces and experiences for optimal usability and customer satisfaction.
  53. CompTIA Security+

    • Industry-standard certification covering foundational cybersecurity principles and practices.

Hery Purnama – Certified Trainer for Project Management Tools


Profile: Hery Purnama – Certified Trainer for Project Management Tools

Contact: Hery Purnama | WhatsApp: 081-223344-506

Hery Purnama is a highly experienced and certified trainer specializing in project management tools, including Microsoft Project, Primavera P6, and Project Libre. With a strong background in IT and project management, Hery has successfully trained professionals from various industries, helping them master the skills needed to manage projects efficiently and effectively.


  1. Microsoft Project / Project Web Server

    • Hery is proficient in Microsoft Project, a widely used project management software designed to help professionals plan, track, and manage their projects. He teaches participants how to:
      • Create detailed project schedules.
      • Allocate resources efficiently.
      • Monitor project progress using Gantt charts and other visualization tools.
      • Integrate Project Web Server for collaborative project management and tracking across teams.
      • Manage project budgets and timelines to ensure successful project delivery.
  2. Primavera P6

    • Hery is an expert in Primavera P6, one of the most powerful tools for managing complex projects in industries such as construction, engineering, and manufacturing. His training covers:
      • Project planning and scheduling for large-scale projects.
      • Resource allocation, cost management, and risk analysis.
      • Implementing critical path method (CPM) for schedule optimization.
      • Managing multi-project environments and generating detailed reports.
      • Practical, hands-on exercises that simulate real-world project challenges.
  3. Project Libre

    • Hery also specializes in Project Libre, an open-source project management software similar to Microsoft Project. His training includes:
      • Setting up and managing project timelines.
      • Resource management and allocation.
      • Tracking project performance using key metrics and reporting tools.
      • Best practices for small to medium-sized projects in various industries.
      • Hands-on training for participants to fully understand project management concepts using this free alternative.

Why Choose Hery Purnama as Your Trainer?

  • Industry Experience: With years of experience in both corporate and academic environments, Hery brings practical insights to his training, making it relevant for professionals looking to enhance their project management skills.

  • Tailored Training: Whether you're new to project management or a seasoned professional, Hery customizes his training to meet your specific needs, ensuring that each participant gains practical knowledge and confidence.

  • Comprehensive Learning: Hery’s training includes not only theoretical knowledge but also hands-on exercises and real-world project simulations, enabling participants to apply what they've learned immediately in their own projects.

  • Certified Expertise: As a certified trainer, Hery is up-to-date with the latest features and best practices in project management tools, ensuring that you receive high-quality, relevant training.

For more information or to book a training session, contact Hery Purnama via WhatsApp at 081-223344-506.

Hery Purnama – Trainer for Geographic Information Systems (GIS)


Hery Purnama – Certified Trainer for Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

Contact: Hery Purnama | WhatsApp: 081-223344-506

Hery Purnama is a certified and experienced trainer specializing in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), offering training on key GIS platforms such as QGIS (Quantum GIS), ArcGIS, and ArcGIS Online Operations Dashboard. With a solid background in IT and spatial data analysis, Hery provides comprehensive training for professionals in fields such as urban planning, environmental management, civil engineering, and data science.


  1. QGIS (Quantum GIS)

    • Hery is well-versed in QGIS, a leading open-source GIS platform used for creating, editing, visualizing, and analyzing geospatial data. His training covers:
      • Fundamentals of spatial data and GIS concepts.
      • Loading, visualizing, and analyzing geospatial data from various formats (shapefiles, CSV, etc.).
      • Using QGIS tools for spatial analysis, including buffer, intersection, and proximity analysis.
      • Generating maps and spatial reports to support decision-making processes.
      • Customizing the QGIS interface with plugins and scripting in Python for automation.
      • Hands-on projects to practice real-world applications such as land use planning, environmental monitoring, and infrastructure mapping.
  2. ArcGIS

    • Hery offers expert training in ArcGIS, one of the most powerful commercial GIS tools used globally for spatial analysis and data visualization. His training modules include:
      • Introduction to ArcGIS and understanding its user interface.
      • Creating and managing spatial databases and geodatabases.
      • Performing advanced spatial analyses such as spatial statistics, geoprocessing, and spatial data modeling.
      • Using ArcGIS for cartographic design and creating high-quality maps.
      • Working with ArcGIS Online for cloud-based GIS and data sharing among teams.
      • Integration of remote sensing data and tools for advanced geospatial analysis.
  3. ArcGIS Online Operations Dashboard

    • Hery’s training on ArcGIS Online Operations Dashboard focuses on teaching participants how to:
      • Set up and manage real-time data dashboards to monitor geospatial data.
      • Visualize and track key performance indicators (KPIs) using interactive maps, charts, and tables.
      • Use ArcGIS Online for real-time collaboration and data sharing across multiple users and devices.
      • Customize dashboards to support decision-making processes for industries like transportation, public safety, and environmental management.
      • Implement workflows for field data collection and reporting, integrating it seamlessly into the dashboard for live monitoring.

Why Choose Hery Purnama as Your GIS Trainer?

  • Hands-on Approach: Hery’s training is designed to be practical, enabling participants to work on real-world GIS projects and apply their learning immediately.

  • Tailored Content: Each course is customized to meet the needs of the participants, whether they are beginners looking to understand GIS fundamentals or advanced users seeking to enhance their spatial analysis skills.

  • Expert Guidance: Hery’s in-depth knowledge of GIS software ensures that participants not only learn how to use the tools but also understand how to optimize their use for better project outcomes.

  • Extensive Industry Experience: Hery has worked with professionals from various industries, including government, environmental consulting, urban planning, and infrastructure development, providing him with broad insights that enrich his training sessions.

For more information or to schedule a training session, contact Hery Purnama via WhatsApp at 081-223344-506.

Hery Purnama – Certified Trainer in Big Data, Data Science, and Visualization


Profile: Hery Purnama – Certified Trainer in Big Data, Data Science, and Visualization

Contact: Hery Purnama | WhatsApp: 081-223344-506

Hery Purnama is a highly experienced trainer in Big Data technologies, Data Science, and Data Visualization, offering in-depth training on cutting-edge platforms and tools including Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, IBM Watson Explorer, Tableau, Power BI, and various other key data analytics tools. His courses are designed for professionals aiming to deepen their knowledge and skills in managing, analyzing, and visualizing large datasets, making him the go-to expert for organizations and individuals seeking to harness the power of big data.


  1. Apache Hadoop (HDFS, Hive, HBase, Sqoop)

    • Hery’s training on Apache Hadoop focuses on the essential components of Hadoop’s ecosystem for big data storage and processing:
      • HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System): Understanding the architecture of HDFS, managing large datasets across distributed clusters, and performing basic file operations.
      • Hive: Querying large datasets with HiveQL, a SQL-like language, to structure and analyze data stored in Hadoop.
      • HBase: Working with HBase for real-time, scalable NoSQL database management.
      • Sqoop: Importing and exporting data between Hadoop and relational databases for seamless data transfer.
  2. Apache Spark (PySpark, RDD, SparkSQL, Spark Streaming, Spark Graph, MLib, Kafka)

    • Hery delivers expert training on Apache Spark, covering:
      • PySpark: Using Python with Spark for large-scale data processing.
      • RDD (Resilient Distributed Datasets): Core abstractions of Spark for fault-tolerant, distributed operations.
      • SparkSQL: Querying structured data with Spark’s SQL engine.
      • Spark Streaming: Real-time data processing and stream analytics.
      • Spark GraphX: Graph processing and algorithms for large-scale data analysis.
      • MLlib: Implementing machine learning algorithms within Spark for predictive analytics.
      • Kafka Integration: Working with Apache Kafka for real-time data pipelines and messaging systems.
  3. IBM Watson Explorer

    • Hery provides training on IBM Watson Explorer, a cognitive search and analytics platform that empowers businesses to uncover insights from structured and unstructured data.
      • Exploring data insights with Watson’s natural language processing (NLP).
      • Implementing advanced analytics for improved decision-making.
      • Hands-on projects to integrate Watson into business processes.
  4. Big Data Analyzing with Microsoft R

    • A comprehensive course on utilizing Microsoft R for analyzing massive datasets. Key topics include:
      • Data manipulation and visualization in R.
      • Advanced statistical methods for big data analysis.
      • Machine learning techniques for predictive modeling.
  5. Tableau Data Visualization | Visual Analytics | Data Communications

    • Hery’s training on Tableau focuses on enabling users to create impactful data visualizations and communicate insights effectively:
      • Connecting and blending data from multiple sources.
      • Building interactive dashboards and sharing them with stakeholders.
      • Best practices in visual analytics for storytelling and decision-making.
  6. Apache NiFi & Cloudera NiFi

    • Hery offers training on Apache NiFi, covering:
      • Building data pipelines to automate data movement between systems.
      • Real-time data ingestion, transformation, and delivery.
      • Managing and securing data flows with NiFi’s easy-to-use web interface.
      • Cloudera NiFi: Specific enterprise-level features and optimizations for handling large-scale data processing tasks.
  7. IBM WebSphere MQ

    • Training on IBM WebSphere MQ includes understanding message-oriented middleware for enterprise messaging:
      • Setting up, configuring, and managing WebSphere MQ.
      • Messaging and queuing models to ensure reliable communication between applications.
  8. IBM Cognos

    • Hery teaches participants to use IBM Cognos for business intelligence and performance management, focusing on:
      • Data modeling and reporting.
      • Creating dynamic dashboards for real-time business insights.
      • Leveraging advanced analytics for strategic decision-making.
  9. Data Science with Python

    • This course covers the essentials of Python for data science:
      • Data manipulation using libraries like Pandas and NumPy.
      • Data visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn.
      • Building machine learning models with scikit-learn.
      • Working on real-world data projects to build predictive and prescriptive models.
  10. Microsoft Power BI, Excel Power Query, Microsoft M, Power Pivot / Power View

    • Hery specializes in Microsoft Power BI and advanced Excel functionalities to enable professionals to analyze and visualize data efficiently:
      • Building dynamic, interactive reports and dashboards in Power BI.
      • Power Query for transforming and combining data from multiple sources.
      • Using Microsoft M for advanced query functions.
      • Working with Power Pivot for complex data modeling and Power View for visualization.
  11. StreamSets Data Collector

    • Hands-on training in using StreamSets Data Collector to manage data flow pipelines and ensure high-quality data:
      • Building data pipelines to ingest, transform, and distribute data in real-time.
      • Monitoring data flows for operational intelligence.
  12. Certification Talend Data Integration

    • Hery also offers certification training on Talend for data integration, equipping participants to:
      • Use Talend for ETL processes, data migration, and real-time data integration.
      • Build reliable and scalable data pipelines using Talend’s user-friendly interface.
      • Prepare for Talend Data Integration Certification to validate skills in enterprise data management.

Why Choose Hery Purnama?

  • Certified Expert: Hery holds certifications in a broad range of data technologies, ensuring participants receive the latest and most accurate knowledge.

  • Real-World Applications: His courses are highly practical, focusing on hands-on exercises and real-world use cases to ensure participants can apply their skills immediately.

  • Diverse Industry Experience: With a vast experience training professionals across industries such as finance, healthcare, and manufacturing, Hery’s insights and examples are relevant to a wide range of applications.

  • Comprehensive Support: Hery provides thorough guidance and support during and after the training, ensuring participants can implement what they have learned in their organizations.

For more information or to book a session, contact Hery Purnama via WhatsApp at 081-223344-506.

Hery Purnama – Trainer in DevOps and Automation Tools


Profile: Hery Purnama – Certified Trainer in DevOps and Automation Tools

Contact: Hery Purnama | WhatsApp: 081-223344-506

Hery Purnama is an accomplished trainer specializing in DevOps and Automation Tools, with expertise in modern infrastructure management, continuous integration, and deployment pipelines. His training programs are designed to help IT professionals master the leading DevOps tools, such as Vagrant, Git, Docker, Ansible, Chef, Puppet, Jenkins, Kubernetes, and Nagios, enabling them to streamline development and operations processes for more efficient, automated workflows.


  1. Vagrant

    • Hery’s training on Vagrant focuses on virtualized development environments:
      • Setting up and configuring reproducible development environments.
      • Working with Vagrant boxes for virtual machine management.
      • Integrating Vagrant with other DevOps tools for seamless development and testing processes.
  2. Git

    • Participants will learn the ins and outs of Git, the most widely used version control system:
      • Managing source code with Git repositories.
      • Branching strategies, merging, and conflict resolution.
      • Collaborative workflows such as Gitflow and GitOps.
      • Integrating Git with CI/CD pipelines for automated testing and deployment.
  3. Docker

    • Hery’s Docker training equips participants to manage containerized applications efficiently:
      • Understanding Docker architecture, images, containers, and registries.
      • Building, shipping, and running containerized applications.
      • Working with Docker Compose for multi-container applications.
      • Best practices for securing Docker environments and optimizing container performance.
  4. Ansible

    • Training on Ansible focuses on configuration management and application deployment automation:
      • Automating IT infrastructure with Ansible Playbooks and roles.
      • Managing complex deployments across multiple systems.
      • Best practices for provisioning and managing servers with Ansible.
      • Integrating Ansible with Jenkins for Continuous Delivery pipelines.
  5. Chef

    • Hery’s Chef training emphasizes infrastructure automation:
      • Writing Chef Recipes and Cookbooks to automate configuration.
      • Managing infrastructure at scale with Chef Server.
      • Ensuring compliance and security with automated configuration policies.
      • Integrating Chef into CI/CD pipelines for automated deployments.
  6. Puppet

    • This course covers the use of Puppet for automated infrastructure management:
      • Writing Puppet manifests to define infrastructure as code.
      • Managing system configuration across environments with Puppet Modules.
      • Using Puppet to automate security updates and configuration changes.
      • Implementing Puppet Enterprise for large-scale deployments.
  7. Jenkins

    • Hery’s training on Jenkins, a leader in CI/CD, helps participants automate their build, test, and deployment processes:
      • Setting up and configuring Jenkins Pipelines for Continuous Integration (CI).
      • Automating deployment processes with Jenkins Jobs.
      • Integrating Jenkins with other DevOps tools such as Git, Docker, and Ansible for streamlined delivery.
      • Monitoring builds and ensuring the quality of code with automated testing.
  8. Kubernetes

    • Kubernetes training focuses on container orchestration and management:
      • Deploying, scaling, and managing containerized applications using Kubernetes.
      • Understanding Kubernetes architecture: Pods, Services, Deployments, and Namespaces.
      • Building resilient, scalable, and fault-tolerant microservices with Kubernetes.
      • Monitoring and securing Kubernetes clusters with best practices.
  9. Nagios

    • Hery offers training on Nagios, a powerful monitoring tool:
      • Setting up Nagios for network, system, and service monitoring.
      • Configuring Nagios to provide real-time alerts and reports.
      • Integrating Nagios with other monitoring tools to ensure comprehensive infrastructure oversight.
      • Automating responses to system failures with custom scripts and notifications.

Why Choose Hery Purnama?

  • Proven Expertise: Hery is certified across a wide range of DevOps tools, ensuring deep, practical knowledge for his participants.

  • Hands-On Training: Each course is structured around real-world scenarios with hands-on labs, allowing participants to apply their knowledge immediately.

  • Industry-Relevant Examples: Hery’s vast experience across industries, including finance, manufacturing, and tech, ensures his examples and training are relevant to diverse operational environments.

  • End-to-End DevOps Solutions: His training covers the full spectrum of DevOps, from version control and containerization to infrastructure automation and continuous monitoring, offering participants a holistic approach to modern IT operations.

For more information or to book a session with Hery Purnama, contact via WhatsApp at 081-223344-506.

Hery Purnama – Trainer in Software Testing Tools


Profile: Hery Purnama – Certified Trainer in Software Testing Tools

Contact: Hery Purnama | WhatsApp: 081-223344-506

Hery Purnama is an expert trainer in Software Testing Tools, with a specialization in automation frameworks and tools used for web, mobile, and desktop application testing. His training is designed for QA professionals and developers looking to implement efficient, scalable, and automated testing solutions using tools like Selenium, Selendroid, Appium, Google Espresso, and Katalon Studio.


  1. Selenium (IDE, Client, Server)

    • Hery’s Selenium training covers the comprehensive suite of tools for automated testing of web applications:
      • Selenium IDE for creating quick test scripts using the record-and-playback feature.
      • Selenium WebDriver (Client) for advanced test automation using programming languages like Java, Python, C#, and JavaScript.
      • Selenium Grid (Server) for distributed testing across multiple environments and browsers.
      • Best practices for building robust and maintainable test frameworks with Selenium.
  2. Selendroid

    • Focused on testing Android applications, Hery’s training on Selendroid provides the skills to automate native and hybrid apps:
      • Setting up Selendroid for Android application testing.
      • Writing and executing automated test cases for mobile apps.
      • Integrating Selendroid with Selenium to expand cross-platform testing.
      • Debugging and maintaining tests for Android environments.
  3. Appium

    • Hery’s Appium training covers mobile application testing for both Android and iOS platforms:
      • Understanding the architecture of Appium and setting up the testing environment.
      • Writing automated test scripts for native, hybrid, and mobile web applications.
      • Best practices for cross-platform mobile automation using Appium.
      • Integrating Appium with CI/CD pipelines for continuous mobile testing.
  4. Google Espresso

    • In the Google Espresso course, participants will learn how to test Android UI components efficiently:
      • Writing fast and reliable tests for Android applications using the Espresso testing framework.
      • Automating user interface interactions for smooth and reliable app testing.
      • Integrating Espresso tests with Android Studio and Gradle.
      • Debugging and optimizing UI tests for better performance and coverage.
  5. Katalon Studio

    • Hery offers training on Katalon Studio, an all-in-one testing solution for web, mobile, and API testing:
      • Setting up Katalon Studio and writing test scripts without complex coding.
      • Automating functional and regression testing for web and mobile applications.
      • Leveraging Katalon’s built-in integration with Selenium and Appium for enhanced testing.
      • Running data-driven tests and generating comprehensive reports.
      • Integrating Katalon with Jenkins for automated execution in CI/CD pipelines.

Why Choose Hery Purnama?

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Hery covers a wide array of software testing tools, offering complete end-to-end solutions for automation.

  • Real-World Scenarios: His courses are designed around industry-relevant examples, helping participants understand the practical applications of these tools in real projects.

  • Hands-On Experience: Each session includes practical labs where participants can apply the concepts learned and work through real testing challenges.

  • Updated Knowledge: As tools evolve, Hery ensures his training remains updated with the latest best practices and versions of the software.

For more information or to book a session with Hery Purnama, contact via WhatsApp at 081-223344-506.

Hery Purnama – Trainer in Database Administration (DBA) and Programming


Profile: Hery Purnama – Certified Trainer in Database Administration (DBA) and Programming

Contact: Hery Purnama | WhatsApp: 081-223344-506

Hery Purnama is a highly skilled trainer in Database Administration (DBA), offering comprehensive training in both relational and non-relational databases. He specializes in teaching participants how to manage, optimize, and secure databases across multiple platforms, including Oracle DBA, SQL Server, MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, and NoSQL databases like DynamoDB and SQLite. With hands-on exercises and real-world use cases, his training equips professionals with the practical knowledge needed to handle complex database systems.


  1. Oracle DBA

    • Comprehensive training on Oracle Database Administration:
      • Database architecture, installation, and configuration.
      • Backup and recovery strategies.
      • Performance tuning and optimization.
      • Security management and user privileges.
      • Managing data storage, partitions, and clusters.
      • Automating administrative tasks using PL/SQL and Oracle tools.
  2. SQL Server DBA / SRSS (SQL Server Reporting Services) / Business Intelligence

    • SQL Server DBA training covers:
      • Installation, configuration, and maintenance of SQL Server.
      • Managing databases, security, and permissions.
      • Performance tuning and query optimization.
      • Implementing backup, recovery, and disaster recovery plans.
      • SRSS: Building, deploying, and managing reports using SQL Server Reporting Services.
      • Business Intelligence: Data integration and analysis, transforming raw data into actionable insights using SQL Server BI tools.
  3. Microsoft Access 2013/2016 Fundamental & VBA Programming

    • In-depth training on Microsoft Access database development and VBA programming:
      • Creating and managing databases, forms, queries, and reports.
      • Automating processes and creating custom solutions with VBA (Visual Basic for Applications).
      • Linking Microsoft Access with other Office applications for data integration.
      • Best practices for database design and management in small-scale environments.
  4. MySQL / MariaDB (DBA)

    • MySQL and MariaDB training focuses on:
      • Database setup, configuration, and administration.
      • Managing users, permissions, and roles.
      • Query optimization and indexing for improved performance.
      • Backup and recovery strategies.
      • Replication, clustering, and high availability.
  5. PostgreSQL / PostGIS DBA

    • Training on PostgreSQL DBA covers:
      • Database installation, configuration, and tuning.
      • Implementing backup and recovery solutions.
      • Query optimization for performance enhancement.
      • PostGIS: Extending PostgreSQL with geospatial capabilities for mapping and GIS applications.
      • Spatial data types and geospatial indexing for efficient querying.
  6. SQLite

    • Focused on the use of SQLite for lightweight and embedded database management:
      • SQLite database creation, configuration, and management.
      • Querying and indexing for small-scale or embedded applications.
      • SQLite’s role in mobile and IoT development.
      • Optimizing performance in resource-constrained environments.
  7. DynamoDB

    • Non-relational database training on DynamoDB focuses on:
      • Understanding AWS DynamoDB architecture and use cases.
      • Designing efficient NoSQL schemas.
      • Optimizing read/write capacity for high throughput.
      • Managing scaling, backup, and recovery on AWS.
      • Integrating DynamoDB with other AWS services for a complete cloud-based data solution.

Why Choose Hery Purnama?

  • Hands-On Learning: Hery emphasizes practical experience, ensuring participants not only learn database theory but also gain hands-on exposure to database management tasks.

  • Multi-Platform Expertise: Whether you’re working with relational databases like Oracle and SQL Server or non-relational databases like DynamoDB, Hery’s diverse expertise ensures comprehensive coverage of the topics.

  • Tailored Solutions: The training is adaptable to various skill levels, from foundational courses to advanced DBA topics for experienced professionals.

For more information or to schedule a training session with Hery Purnama, contact via WhatsApp at 081-223344-506.

Hery Purnama – Trainer Application Development & Programming Languages


Profile: Hery Purnama – Trainer in Application Development & Programming Languages

Contact: Hery Purnama | WhatsApp: 081-223344-506

Hery Purnama is an experienced IT trainer specializing in application development and programming languages. He offers a wide range of training modules, from foundational to advanced levels, across various programming languages and web development platforms. With a hands-on approach, Hery equips participants with the skills needed to build dynamic, scalable, and secure applications.


  1. ASP.Net Fundamental

    • ASP.Net training focuses on:
      • Introduction to ASP.Net framework and C# programming.
      • Building dynamic web applications.
      • Understanding MVC architecture, web forms, and Razor syntax.
      • Session management, authentication, and authorization.
      • Working with SQL Server and Entity Framework for database integration.
      • Deploying ASP.Net applications on IIS.
  2. VB.Net Fundamental/ Advanced

    • VB.Net training covers:
      • Introduction to Visual Basic.Net and object-oriented programming concepts.
      • Creating Windows Forms applications.
      • Advanced topics: multi-threading, asynchronous programming, and data handling.
      • Integrating VB.Net applications with databases and other platforms.
  3. PHP MySQL Fundamental/Advanced

    • Comprehensive training on PHP & MySQL development:
      • Introduction to PHP syntax and server-side scripting.
      • Building dynamic web applications with PHP and MySQL.
      • Advanced topics: OOP in PHP, secure form handling, session management, and authentication.
      • Developing RESTful APIs using PHP and integrating them with MySQL databases.
  4. Web Services (JSON, XML, SOAP, RestFull)

    • Training on web services involves:
      • Understanding the HTTP protocol and web communication.
      • JSON and XML formats for data interchange.
      • Building and consuming SOAP and RESTful services.
      • Designing and implementing API endpoints using various technologies.
      • Securing APIs with OAuth and JWT (JSON Web Tokens).
  5. Java Web Programming Fundamental

    • Java Web Programming training focuses on:
      • Introduction to Java and Servlet programming.
      • Building dynamic web applications using JSP (JavaServer Pages) and Servlets.
      • Integrating Java applications with MySQL and PostgreSQL databases.
      • Understanding Spring Framework and Hibernate ORM for advanced applications.
  6. Erlang Programming Fundamental

    • Erlang training covers:
      • Introduction to Erlang language and functional programming concepts.
      • Building highly scalable, fault-tolerant applications.
      • Working with OTP (Open Telecom Platform) for concurrency and distributed systems.
      • Use cases of Erlang in real-time systems and telecommunications.
  7. Python & Django Programming Fundamental/Advanced

    • Python programming training includes:
      • Python programming fundamentals: syntax, data types, and object-oriented programming.
      • Advanced topics: multi-threading, file handling, and error management.
      • Building web applications using the Django framework.
      • Implementing RESTful APIs and working with databases like SQLite and PostgreSQL in Django.
  8. Golang

    • Golang training covers:
      • Introduction to Go (Golang) programming, syntax, and structure.
      • Building fast, scalable web applications with Golang.
      • Working with Goroutines for concurrent programming.
      • Developing RESTful APIs and deploying microservices in Go.

Why Choose Hery Purnama?

  • Practical Application Focus: Each course is designed to provide practical coding experience through real-world projects and problem-solving tasks.

  • Comprehensive Curriculum: From web development to backend services, Hery’s courses cover a wide array of technologies essential for today’s IT professionals.

  • Tailored Learning: The training modules can be adapted to the needs of beginners or advanced developers, ensuring everyone gains maximum benefit.

For more information or to schedule a training session with Hery Purnama, contact via WhatsApp at 081-223344-506.

Hery Purnama – Expert Trainer in Industrial Software & IoT (Internet of Things)


Profile: Hery Purnama – Expert Trainer in Industrial Software & IoT (Internet of Things)

Contact: Hery Purnama | WhatsApp: 081-223344-506

Hery Purnama is a certified IT trainer with extensive knowledge in industrial software and Internet of Things (IoT) development. His expertise ranges from SCADA systems for industrial control to IoT applications using microcontroller platforms like ESP8266. Hery’s practical approach ensures participants gain hands-on experience, enabling them to implement IoT solutions in real-world industrial scenarios.


  1. SCADA System (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition)

    • SCADA System training covers:
      • Introduction to SCADA architecture and its role in industrial automation.
      • Configuration and programming of SCADA systems for real-time data acquisition.
      • Integration with PLCs (Programmable Logic Controllers) and other industrial hardware.
      • Working with SCADA software for monitoring, control, and data logging.
      • Application of SCADA in power plants, manufacturing, water treatment, and other industries.
      • Implementing alarm management and historical data analysis.
  2. Programming ESP8266 for IoT Applications Development with Thinkspeak Framework

    • ESP8266 IoT Development training focuses on:
      • Introduction to the ESP8266 microcontroller and its features for IoT applications.
      • Setting up the ESP8266 environment using Arduino IDE.
      • Developing IoT applications using the Thinkspeak Framework for data visualization and cloud integration.
      • Connecting sensors and actuators to ESP8266 for real-time monitoring.
      • Implementing Wi-Fi communication protocols and remote control through IoT devices.
      • Applications in smart home automation, industrial monitoring, and environmental data tracking.

Why Choose Hery Purnama for Industrial Software & IoT Training?

  • Industry-Relevant Skills: Gain practical knowledge in SCADA and IoT that is directly applicable to industrial settings.

  • Hands-on Learning: Courses are designed to provide participants with real-world projects, from setting up SCADA systems to programming IoT devices with ESP8266.

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Whether it's automating processes using SCADA or developing IoT applications, Hery’s training equips participants with essential technical skills.

For more details or to schedule an IoT or industrial software training session with Hery Purnama, contact via WhatsApp at 081-223344-506.

Hery Purnama – Trainer in API, REST, ESB, and JWT Technologies

Profile: Hery Purnama – Expert Trainer in API, REST, ESB, and JWT Technologies

Contact: Hery Purnama | WhatsApp: 081-223344-506

Hery Purnama is a highly skilled IT trainer specializing in API development, REST architectures, Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) integration, and JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication. With a strong foundation in both the technical and practical aspects of these technologies, Hery provides comprehensive training that enables participants to develop and manage APIs, integrate services, and secure applications using modern standards.


  1. Talend API REST & ESB

    • Talend API and ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) training covers:
      • Building and managing RESTful APIs using Talend.
      • Designing and implementing ESB solutions for seamless data integration across multiple systems.
      • Managing complex data flows and handling real-time message processing.
      • Integrating Talend API with SOAP, XML, and JSON for data transformation and delivery.
      • Use cases for Talend in industries like finance, telecommunications, and e-commerce.

    • Comprehensive training in:
      • RESTful API design principles and best practices for scalable, maintainable web services.
      • Working with JSON, SOAP, and XML formats for data exchange in web applications.
      • Developing robust API endpoints for web and mobile applications.
      • API versioning, error handling, and security practices.
      • Integration of REST-API with microservices and enterprise systems.
  3. Mulesoft 4.X ESB API Management

    • Mulesoft 4.X ESB API Management training focuses on:
      • Creating and managing APIs using the Mulesoft platform.
      • Leveraging Mule ESB for seamless integration between various systems and applications.
      • Implementing API security, rate limiting, and monitoring.
      • Deploying and scaling APIs across cloud environments.
      • Case studies on using Mulesoft in banking, healthcare, and logistics industries.
  4. JSON Web Token (JWT) with Golang

    • JWT with Golang training includes:
      • Introduction to JSON Web Token (JWT) and its usage for secure communication in web applications.
      • Implementing JWT-based authentication and authorization in Golang applications.
      • Creating secure APIs that use JWT for stateless authentication.
      • Hands-on labs for building RESTful services with JWT integration in Go.
      • Advanced topics like token expiration, refresh tokens, and token revocation.

Why Choose Hery Purnama for API, REST, ESB, and JWT Training?

  • Comprehensive Coverage: From designing RESTful APIs to integrating complex enterprise systems using ESB and securing them with JWT, Hery provides thorough training for developers and IT professionals.

  • Real-World Applications: The training sessions are designed to tackle real-world challenges and projects, preparing participants to implement these technologies effectively in their organizations.

  • Hands-On Approach: Practical labs and hands-on sessions ensure that participants gain the skills needed to work confidently with APIs, REST services, ESB, and JWT.

For more information or to book a training session on API development, REST, ESB, or JWT with Hery Purnama, reach out via WhatsApp at 081-223344-506.

Hery Purnama – Trainer in UML Tools


Profile: Hery Purnama – Expert Trainer in UML Tools

Contact: Hery Purnama | WhatsApp: 081-223344-506

Hery Purnama is a distinguished IT trainer with extensive expertise in Unified Modeling Language (UML) tools. His training programs are tailored to both beginners and advanced users, focusing on mastering leading UML tools for effective software design and system architecture.


  1. SPARX Enterprise Architect

    • SPARX Enterprise Architect Training includes:
      • Introduction to Enterprise Architect: Overview of the tool's features and capabilities.
      • Fundamentals: Creating and managing UML diagrams, including use case diagrams, class diagrams, sequence diagrams, and activity diagrams.
      • Advanced Features: Utilizing advanced modeling techniques, including requirements management, business process modeling, and system engineering.
      • Collaboration and Teamwork: Using Enterprise Architect for collaborative modeling, version control, and team management.
      • Integration: Integrating Enterprise Architect with other development tools and platforms.
  2. Archi 4.2 Enterprise Architect

    • Archi 4.2 Training covers:
      • Introduction to Archi: Understanding the features and benefits of Archi as a modeling tool.
      • Fundamentals: Creating and managing architectural models, including ArchiMate diagrams and viewpoints.
      • Advanced Modeling: Developing complex models, handling large-scale enterprise architectures, and using advanced ArchiMate features.
      • Customization and Scripting: Customizing Archi to fit specific needs and using scripting for automation and extended functionality.
      • Reporting and Documentation: Generating reports and documentation from Archi models for stakeholders and project documentation.

Why Choose Hery Purnama for UML Tools Training?

  • Comprehensive Learning: Hery provides in-depth training on both SPARX Enterprise Architect and Archi, covering all essential aspects from basic to advanced features.

  • Hands-On Practice: Participants gain practical experience through hands-on exercises and real-world examples, enhancing their modeling and design skills.

  • Industry Relevance: The training is designed to align with industry standards and practices, ensuring that participants can effectively use UML tools in professional environments.

For more information or to book a UML tools training session with Hery Purnama, please contact via WhatsApp at 081-223344-506.

Hery Purnama – Expert Trainer in CMS and E-Commerce Platforms


Profile: Hery Purnama – Expert Trainer in CMS and E-Commerce Platforms

Contact: Hery Purnama | WhatsApp: 081-223344-506

Hery Purnama is a highly experienced IT trainer specializing in Content Management Systems (CMS) and E-Commerce platforms. His training programs are designed to provide in-depth knowledge and practical skills in popular CMS and e-commerce tools, catering to both fundamental and advanced users.


  1. WordPress (Fundamental/Advanced)

    • WordPress Training includes:
      • Fundamentals: Setting up WordPress, theme installation, and basic plugin usage.
      • Advanced Topics: Custom theme development, advanced plugin integration, custom post types, and building complex sites with WordPress.
      • Performance Optimization: Techniques to enhance site speed and performance.
      • Security: Best practices for securing WordPress sites and managing user roles and permissions.
      • SEO and Analytics: Implementing SEO strategies and using analytics tools to track site performance.
  2. Joomla (Fundamental/Advanced)

    • Joomla Training covers:
      • Introduction to Joomla: Basic setup, navigation, and configuration.
      • Fundamentals: Creating articles, managing media, and setting up menus.
      • Advanced Features: Custom component and module development, template customization, and advanced user management.
      • Performance and Security: Techniques for optimizing Joomla sites and implementing security measures.
      • Extending Joomla: Using and creating extensions to add new functionality.
  3. Magento E-Commerce (Fundamental/Advanced)

    • Magento Training includes:
      • Fundamentals: Setting up Magento, managing products, categories, and orders.
      • Advanced Topics: Custom module development, theme customization, and advanced product management.
      • Performance Optimization: Techniques to improve Magento site performance and scalability.
      • Security: Best practices for securing Magento installations and managing user access.
      • E-Commerce Strategies: Implementing effective e-commerce strategies and using Magento’s built-in tools for marketing and sales.
  4. PrestaShop (Fundamental/Advanced)

    • PrestaShop Training covers:
      • Basics: Installation, configuration, and basic management of products, categories, and orders.
      • Advanced Features: Customizing themes, developing modules, and optimizing store performance.
      • Security: Ensuring the security of PrestaShop installations and handling sensitive data.
      • E-Commerce Best Practices: Leveraging PrestaShop features for effective online store management and sales.
  5. Drupal (Fundamental/Advanced)

    • Drupal Training includes:
      • Introduction to Drupal: Installation, configuration, and basic usage.
      • Fundamentals: Content creation, managing users, and configuring modules.
      • Advanced Topics: Custom module development, theming, and creating complex content structures.
      • Performance and Security: Techniques to enhance site performance and implement security best practices.
      • Integration and Extensibility: Integrating Drupal with other systems and extending its functionality through custom development.

Why Choose Hery Purnama for CMS and E-Commerce Training?

  • Expertise Across Platforms: Hery offers comprehensive training on a range of CMS and e-commerce platforms, ensuring that you get a well-rounded understanding of each tool.

  • Practical and Real-World Skills: Training includes practical exercises and real-world scenarios, helping participants apply their knowledge effectively.

  • Customized Training: Sessions are tailored to meet the specific needs and skill levels of participants, whether they are beginners or advanced users.

For further details or to schedule a CMS and E-Commerce training session with Hery Purnama, please contact via WhatsApp at 081-223344-506.

Hery Purnama – Expert Trainer in JavaScript Frameworks


rofile: Hery Purnama – Expert Trainer in JavaScript Frameworks

Contact: Hery Purnama | WhatsApp: 081-223344-506

Hery Purnama is an experienced IT trainer specializing in JavaScript frameworks and libraries. His training sessions are designed to provide deep insights into popular frameworks and libraries, catering to both beginners and advanced developers.


  1. Sencha ExtJS

    • Sencha ExtJS Training includes:
      • Introduction to ExtJS: Overview of ExtJS features, architecture, and components.
      • Fundamentals: Creating and managing ExtJS applications, working with grids, forms, and panels.
      • Advanced Topics: Custom component development, layout management, and performance optimization.
      • Theming and Styling: Customizing ExtJS themes and styles for a cohesive look and feel.
  2. AngularJS

    • AngularJS Training covers:
      • Basics: Setting up AngularJS projects, understanding modules, controllers, and services.
      • Fundamentals: Data binding, directives, and dependency injection.
      • Advanced Features: Advanced directives, routing, and state management with AngularJS.
      • Testing and Debugging: Techniques for testing AngularJS applications and debugging issues.
  3. Backbone.js

    • Backbone.js Training includes:
      • Introduction to Backbone.js: Understanding Backbone.js architecture, models, and views.
      • Fundamentals: Creating and managing models, collections, and routers.
      • Advanced Topics: Customizing views, event handling, and integrating Backbone.js with other libraries.
      • Best Practices: Implementing best practices for scalable and maintainable Backbone.js applications.
  4. Ember.js

    • Ember.js Training covers:
      • Introduction to Ember.js: Overview of Ember.js features, conventions, and tools.
      • Fundamentals: Creating Ember.js applications, working with routes, controllers, and models.
      • Advanced Topics: Custom components, services, and Ember Data integration.
      • Performance Optimization: Techniques for improving the performance and scalability of Ember.js applications.
  5. Ajax & jQuery

    • Ajax & jQuery Training includes:
      • Introduction to jQuery: Understanding jQuery fundamentals, selectors, and DOM manipulation.
      • Ajax Basics: Making asynchronous requests with jQuery, handling responses, and updating the DOM.
      • Advanced jQuery: Plugin development, event handling, and advanced animations.
      • Integration: Using jQuery and Ajax together to build dynamic, interactive web applications.
  6. React.js & React Native

    • React.js Training covers:
      • Introduction to React.js: Understanding React.js fundamentals, components, and state management.
      • Fundamentals: Creating functional and class components, props, and state.
      • Advanced Topics: Hooks, context API, and performance optimization.
      • React Native: Developing mobile applications with React Native, including components, navigation, and native modules.
  7. Xamarin

    • Xamarin Training includes:
      • Introduction to Xamarin: Overview of Xamarin, its architecture, and development environment.
      • Fundamentals: Building cross-platform mobile applications with Xamarin.Forms, managing layouts, and using controls.
      • Advanced Features: Integrating with native APIs, performance optimization, and debugging techniques.
      • Deployment: Techniques for deploying Xamarin applications to various platforms.

Why Choose Hery Purnama for JavaScript Frameworks Training?

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Hery provides thorough training on a wide range of JavaScript frameworks and libraries, ensuring you get a well-rounded education.

  • Hands-On Experience: Training includes practical exercises and real-world examples, helping participants apply their skills effectively.

  • Customizable Training: Sessions are tailored to meet the specific needs of participants, whether they are new to a framework or looking to deepen their expertise.

For additional information or to book a JavaScript frameworks training session with Hery Purnama, please contact via WhatsApp at 081-223344-506.

Trainer in Mobile App Development


Profile: Hery Purnama – Expert Trainer in Mobile App Development

Contact: Hery Purnama | WhatsApp: 081-223344-506

Hery Purnama is a seasoned IT trainer specializing in mobile app development. With extensive experience in various mobile development platforms and technologies, Hery offers comprehensive training that covers both fundamental and advanced aspects of mobile app development.


  1. Android Studio

    • Android Studio Training includes:
      • Introduction to Android Studio: Setting up the development environment, navigating the IDE, and understanding project structure.
      • Fundamentals: Creating basic Android applications, working with layouts, and handling user inputs.
      • Advanced Topics: Custom views, integrating with APIs, managing app lifecycle, and using advanced features like Fragments and Services.
      • Performance Optimization: Techniques for improving app performance and debugging common issues.
  2. PhoneGap / Cordova

    • PhoneGap / Cordova Training covers:
      • Introduction to PhoneGap/Cordova: Overview of hybrid mobile app development and setup.
      • Fundamentals: Creating hybrid applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and accessing native device features.
      • Advanced Features: Building custom plugins, handling device storage, and optimizing app performance.
      • Deployment: Techniques for deploying apps to various mobile platforms and app stores.
  3. HTML5 & CSS3

    • HTML5 & CSS3 Training includes:
      • HTML5 Fundamentals: New HTML5 elements, forms, and APIs.
      • CSS3 Fundamentals: Styling techniques, animations, and responsive design principles.
      • Advanced Topics: Advanced CSS3 features like Flexbox, Grid Layout, and media queries for responsive design.
      • Integration: Using HTML5 and CSS3 in mobile and web applications.
  4. jQuery Mobile / IONIC

    • jQuery Mobile Training covers:
      • Introduction to jQuery Mobile: Overview of jQuery Mobile framework and its features.
      • Fundamentals: Creating mobile-friendly web applications with jQuery Mobile, managing pages and transitions.
      • Advanced Features: Customizing themes, using widgets, and handling touch events.
    • IONIC Training includes:
      • Introduction to IONIC: Overview of the IONIC framework for building cross-platform mobile apps.
      • Fundamentals: Building apps using IONIC, understanding its components, and using Angular with IONIC.
      • Advanced Topics: Customizing themes, integrating with native features, and optimizing app performance.
      • Deployment: Techniques for deploying IONIC apps to various mobile platforms.
  5. Sencha Touch

    • Sencha Touch Training includes:
      • Introduction to Sencha Touch: Overview of the framework and its capabilities for mobile app development.
      • Fundamentals: Creating mobile apps using Sencha Touch, working with its components and layouts.
      • Advanced Features: Custom components, advanced data handling, and integrating with backend services.
      • Performance Optimization: Techniques for enhancing app performance and user experience.
  6. Swift – iOS

    • Swift Training covers:
      • Introduction to Swift: Basics of Swift programming language, including syntax and core concepts.
      • Fundamentals: Creating iOS applications using Swift, working with Xcode, and understanding iOS app lifecycle.
      • Advanced Topics: Custom UI development, integrating with APIs, and handling complex app logic.
      • Best Practices: Techniques for optimizing Swift code and ensuring high-quality iOS applications.

Why Choose Hery Purnama for Mobile App Development Training?

  • In-Depth Knowledge: Hery provides expert training across a broad range of mobile development technologies, ensuring comprehensive coverage of each platform.

  • Practical Approach: Training sessions include hands-on exercises and real-world projects to help participants gain practical experience.

  • Customizable Sessions: Training can be tailored to meet the specific needs and skill levels of participants, from beginners to advanced developers.

For more details or to schedule a mobile app development training session with Hery Purnama, please contact via WhatsApp at 081-223344-506.

Trainer in End User Applications, Graphics Design, and Web Design


Profile: Hery Purnama – Expert Trainer in End User Applications, Graphics Design, and Web Design

Contact: Hery Purnama | WhatsApp: 081-223344-506

Hery Purnama is a highly skilled IT trainer with extensive experience in end-user applications, graphics design, web design, and publication tools. His training sessions are designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills required to excel in these areas, from fundamental to advanced levels.


  1. End User Applications

    • Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint
      • Microsoft Word Training:

        • Basics: Document creation, formatting, and text manipulation.
        • Advanced Features: Styles, templates, mail merge, and document automation.
        • Productivity Tools: Using advanced features to improve workflow and efficiency.
      • Microsoft Excel Training:

        • Basics: Spreadsheet creation, basic formulas, and data organization.
        • Advanced Features: PivotTables, advanced formulas, data analysis tools, and automation with VBA.
        • Data Visualization: Creating charts and dashboards to visualize data effectively.
      • Microsoft PowerPoint Training:

        • Basics: Creating presentations, slide design, and basic animations.
        • Advanced Features: Custom animations, transitions, and multimedia integration.
        • Presentation Skills: Tips and techniques for delivering impactful presentations.
  2. Graphics Design

    • Corel Draw, Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator
      • Corel Draw Training:

        • Fundamentals: Vector graphic creation, basic tools, and drawing techniques.
        • Advanced Techniques: Advanced vector illustrations, layouts, and special effects.
        • Practical Projects: Real-world projects to apply design skills.
      • Photoshop Training:

        • Basics: Image editing, layers, and basic tools.
        • Advanced Features: Photo manipulation, retouching, and advanced effects.
        • Creative Techniques: Designing posters, social media graphics, and other creative projects.
      • InDesign Training:

        • Fundamentals: Layout design, working with text and images, and document preparation.
        • Advanced Features: Creating complex layouts, interactive PDFs, and print-ready documents.
        • Publication Design: Techniques for designing magazines, brochures, and other publications.
      • Illustrator Training:

        • Basics: Vector graphics, drawing tools, and basic design techniques.
        • Advanced Techniques: Creating complex illustrations, working with typography, and advanced effects.
        • Creative Projects: Applying skills to design logos, infographics, and other graphic elements.
  3. Web Design

    • Adobe Dreamweaver & Fireworks
      • Adobe Dreamweaver Training:

        • Basics: Website creation, HTML/CSS basics, and layout design.
        • Advanced Features: Using templates, managing sites, and integrating multimedia.
        • Responsive Design: Techniques for creating responsive websites that work across devices.
      • Adobe Fireworks Training:

        • Fundamentals: Designing web graphics, creating interactive prototypes, and slicing images for web use.
        • Advanced Features: Working with layers, creating web layouts, and optimizing graphics for the web.
        • Integration: Techniques for integrating Fireworks designs with Dreamweaver and other web tools.
  4. Publication

    • Adobe Premiere Pro
      • Basics: Video editing fundamentals, timeline management, and basic effects.
      • Advanced Features: Advanced video effects, color correction, and audio editing.
      • Creative Projects: Techniques for creating professional-quality videos and multimedia presentations.

Why Choose Hery Purnama for Your Training Needs?

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Hery provides thorough training across a wide range of applications and design tools, ensuring a well-rounded learning experience.

  • Hands-On Learning: Training sessions include practical exercises and real-world projects to help participants apply their skills effectively.

  • Tailored Sessions: Training can be customized to suit the needs and skill levels of participants, from beginners to advanced users.

For more information or to schedule a training session in end-user applications, graphics design, web design, or publication tools, please contact Hery Purnama via WhatsApp at 081-223344-506.

Trainer in Advanced Microsoft Excel Training


Profile: Hery Purnama – Specialist in Advanced Microsoft Excel Training

Contact: Hery Purnama | WhatsApp: 081-223344-506

Hery Purnama offers expert-level training in advanced Microsoft Excel, tailored for business, accounting, and programming needs. His sessions are designed to help participants master complex Excel functionalities and enhance their data analysis and automation skills.


  1. Excel Advanced for Business & Accounting

    • Advanced Formulas and Functions:

      • Complex Formulas: Mastery of advanced functions such as VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, INDEX, MATCH, and array formulas.
      • Data Analysis: Utilizing complex formulas for business scenarios, including financial modeling and forecasting.
      • Error Checking: Techniques for identifying and correcting formula errors.
    • Data Analysis and Reporting:

      • PivotTables and PivotCharts: Advanced techniques for summarizing, analyzing, and visualizing large datasets.
      • Data Validation and Protection: Implementing data validation rules and protecting worksheets to ensure data integrity.
      • Dashboard Creation: Designing interactive dashboards with dynamic charts and slicers to present business insights.
    • Automating Reports:

      • Templates: Creating and using templates for recurring business reports.
      • Dynamic Ranges: Using named ranges and dynamic formulas for automated report updates.
  2. Excel VBA Macro Programming

    • Introduction to VBA:

      • Basic Concepts: Understanding the VBA environment, syntax, and basic programming constructs.
      • Recording and Editing Macros: Using the macro recorder and editing recorded code for automation tasks.
    • Advanced VBA Techniques:

      • Custom Functions: Writing user-defined functions (UDFs) to extend Excel’s functionality.
      • Event-Driven Programming: Creating event handlers to respond to user actions or changes in data.
      • Error Handling: Implementing error handling in VBA to manage runtime errors effectively.
    • Automating Complex Tasks:

      • User Forms: Designing and using user forms to create custom input interfaces.
      • Integration with Other Applications: Automating tasks across multiple Office applications using VBA.
  3. Excel PowerPivot and PowerQuery

    • PowerPivot:

      • Data Modeling: Creating data models using PowerPivot to handle large datasets and perform complex calculations.
      • DAX Formulas: Mastering Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) for advanced calculations and aggregations.
      • Building Relationships: Establishing relationships between multiple data tables to create comprehensive reports.
    • PowerQuery:

      • Data Import and Transformation: Using PowerQuery to import data from various sources and transform it for analysis.
      • Query Editing: Cleaning, shaping, and merging data with advanced query editing techniques.
      • Automating Data Refresh: Setting up automatic data refreshes and managing data connections.

Why Choose Hery Purnama for Advanced Excel Training?

  • In-Depth Knowledge: Hery brings a deep understanding of Excel’s advanced features and practical applications in business and accounting.

  • Hands-On Approach: Training includes practical exercises and real-world scenarios to ensure participants can apply their skills effectively.

  • Customized Solutions: Sessions are tailored to meet the specific needs of businesses and professionals, ensuring relevant and actionable learning.

For detailed training in Excel Advanced, VBA Macro Programming, and PowerPivot/PowerQuery, contact Hery Purnama via WhatsApp at 081-223344-506.

Trainer in CAD Software Training


Profile: Hery Purnama – Expert in CAD Software Training

Contact: Hery Purnama | WhatsApp: 081-223344-506

Hery Purnama offers comprehensive training in various CAD software, designed to equip professionals with the skills needed for precise drafting, 3D modeling, and complex design tasks. His training covers a wide range of CAD tools, from fundamental concepts to advanced techniques.


  1. AutoCAD MEP 2D/3D Fundamental

    • 2D Drafting:

      • Basic Commands: Mastery of essential 2D drafting tools and commands for creating accurate schematics and drawings.
      • Layer Management: Effective use of layers for organizing and managing complex drawings.
      • Dimensioning and Annotation: Techniques for dimensioning and annotating drawings to ensure clarity and precision.
    • 3D Modeling:

      • Basic 3D Tools: Introduction to fundamental 3D tools and commands for creating and modifying 3D models.
      • Modeling Techniques: Techniques for creating 3D models of mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems.
      • Rendering: Basic rendering techniques to visualize 3D models with realistic textures and lighting.
  2. AutoCAD Drafter

    • Advanced Drafting Techniques:
      • Complex Drawings: Creating detailed and complex 2D drawings for various engineering and architectural applications.
      • Blocks and Templates: Using blocks and templates to streamline the drafting process and ensure consistency.
      • Customizing Toolsets: Customizing AutoCAD toolsets to improve efficiency and tailor the software to specific needs.
  3. CATIA 3D Fundamental

    • Introduction to CATIA:

      • Basic Interface: Familiarization with the CATIA interface and basic commands for 3D modeling.
      • Part Design: Creating and modifying 3D parts using CATIA’s part design tools.
      • Assembly Design: Techniques for assembling and managing complex 3D models.
    • Advanced Features:

      • Surface Modeling: Using CATIA’s surface modeling tools to create complex shapes and surfaces.
      • Sheet Metal Design: Designing sheet metal parts and assemblies with CATIA.
  4. Google SketchUp 3D Fundamental

    • Basic Modeling:
      • Interface and Tools: Introduction to SketchUp’s interface and fundamental tools for 3D modeling.
      • Creating 3D Models: Techniques for creating and modifying 3D models with ease.
      • Components and Materials: Using components and materials to enhance 3D models and create realistic visualizations.
  5. 3D Max Studio Fundamental

    • 3D Modeling Basics:
      • Interface Overview: Navigating the 3ds Max interface and understanding essential tools.
      • Modeling Techniques: Creating and manipulating 3D models using basic and advanced techniques.
      • Animation: Introduction to basic animation tools and techniques for creating animated sequences.
  6. 3D Maya Fundamental

    • Modeling Basics:
      • Core Tools: Using Maya’s core tools for 3D modeling and animation.
      • Mesh Modeling: Techniques for creating and editing mesh models.
      • Texturing and Rendering: Basic texturing and rendering techniques to bring 3D models to life.
  7. 12D Model

    • Introduction to 12D Model:
      • Overview: Understanding the features and capabilities of 12D Model for civil and structural engineering.
      • 3D Design and Analysis: Techniques for 3D design and analysis of infrastructure projects.
      • Data Management: Managing and analyzing data within 12D Model for efficient project delivery.

Why Choose Hery Purnama for CAD Software Training?

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Training includes fundamental to advanced concepts across various CAD software, ensuring a broad skill set.

  • Practical Application: Focus on hands-on exercises and real-world scenarios to provide practical skills applicable to professional projects.

  • Expert Guidance: Learn from an experienced trainer with in-depth knowledge of CAD tools and techniques.

For expert training in AutoCAD, CATIA, SketchUp, 3ds Max, Maya, and 12D Model, contact Hery Purnama via WhatsApp at 081-223344-506.