PT. HM. SAMPOERNA, Tbk. - Pasuruan Jawa Timur


Thursday, November 30, 2017

Training ITIL 2011 and COBIT 5 surabaya

Training ITIL V.3 2011 foundation dan COBIT 5 di surabaya bersama peserta dari BNI surabaya dan Hotel Ayana bali. Terima kasih kepada peserta dan ebiz training center surabaya atas undangan mengajar Hery Purnama trainer ITIL, COBIT jakarta bandung surabaya. For inquiry please contact :    HERY PURNAMA Certified IT Trainer ,   Call/...

Training MS.Access advanced VBA macro programming Bandung

Public training MS. Access advanced VBA Macro programming di bandung, terima kasih kepada peserta dari SDM BPBatam , semoga bermanfaat Hery Purnama is freelance MS access vba programming for inquiry please contact,    HERY PURNAMA Certified IT Trainer ,   Call/ SMS/WA :  081.223344.506 | PinBB : 7DC633AA    Blog...

Friday, November 17, 2017

Taining SSRS integration with PHP

Training SQL SERVER REPORTING SERVICE (SSRS) integration with PHP bersama peserta dari IFCA consultant jakarta selatan, terima kasih atas undangan mengajar, semoga bermanfaat. Regards,    HERY PURNAMA Certified IT Trainer ,   Call/ SMS/WA :  081.223344.506 | PinBB : 7DC633AA    Blog :

Training mobile apps. Development with phonegap

Phonegap Mobile apps. Development inhouse training bersama peserta dari IFCA consultant jakarta selatan, terima kasih atas undangan mengajar semoga bermanfaat Regards,    HERY PURNAMA Certified IT Trainer ,   Call/ SMS/WA :  081.223344.506 | PinBB : 7DC633AA    Blog :

Training powerpoint for multimedia presentation

PT. HM Sampoerna , Tbk. Pandaan Inhouse training MS Powerpoint for multimedia presentation, terima kasih atas undangannya, semoga bermanfaat. Regards,    HERY PURNAMA Certified IT Trainer ,   Call/ SMS/WA :  081.223344.506 | PinBB : 7DC633AA    Blog :

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Training Excel VBA Macro Karawang

Inhouse training Excel VBA Macro PT HM Sampoerna Karawang , terima kasih atas peran serta dan undangannya. Semoga bermanfaat Hery Purnama 081-223344-506 , trainer excel vba macro jakarta, bandung, karawang, bekasi, palembang, batam Regards,    HERY PURNAMA Certified IT Trainer ,   Call/ SMS/WA :  081.223344.506 | PinBB :...