PT. HM. SAMPOERNA, Tbk. - Pasuruan Jawa Timur




O-Shop, SCTV, Infotech (Jakarta)




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Sunday, November 22, 2020

Liked on YouTube: RPS mengenai Meningkatkan Kompetensi Guru melalui Pelatihan MS.Office di TK Al Ardh Bandung

RPS mengenai Meningkatkan Kompetensi Guru melalui Pelatihan MS.Office di TK Al Ardh Bandung

Video ini sebagai salah satu tugas dalam Diklat Penguatan Kepala Sekolah Tahun 2020.
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Sunday, November 1, 2020

Hery Purnama - Apache Nifi Dataflow Trainer Jakarta Bandung

Hery Purnama is  Trainer for Training Apache Nifi in Jakarta Bandung Bal surabaya, for inquiry please contact 081223344506. Other related training : Big Data, Apache hadoop , Streamsets data set, APache kudu, pyspark, Microsoft R, etc.

What is Apache Nifi ?
Put simply, NiFi was built to automate the flow of data between systems. While the term 'dataflow' is used in a variety of contexts, we use it here to mean the automated and managed flow of information between systems. This problem space has been around ever since enterprises had more than one system, where some of the systems created data and some of the systems consumed data. The problems and solution patterns that emerged have been discussed and articulated extensively. A comprehensive and readily consumed form is found in the Enterprise Integration Pattern

Some of the high-level challenges of dataflow include:

Systems fail
Networks fail, disks fail, software crashes, people make mistakes.

Data access exceeds capacity to consume
Sometimes a given data source can outpace some part of the processing or delivery chain - it only takes one weak-link to have an issue.

Boundary conditions are mere suggestions
You will invariably get data that is too big, too small, too fast, too slow, corrupt, wrong, or in the wrong format.

What is noise one day becomes signal the next
Priorities of an organization change - rapidly. Enabling new flows and changing existing ones must be fast.

Systems evolve at different rates
The protocols and formats used by a given system can change anytime and often irrespective of the systems around them. Dataflow exists to connect what is essentially a massively distributed system of components that are loosely or not-at-all designed to work together.

Compliance and security
Laws, regulations, and policies change. Business to business agreements change. System to system and system to user interactions must be secure, trusted, accountable.

Continuous improvement occurs in production
It is often not possible to come even close to replicating production environments in the lab.

Over the years dataflow has been one of those necessary evils in an architecture. Now though there are a number of active and rapidly evolving movements making dataflow a lot more interesting and a lot more vital to the success of a given enterprise. These include things like; Service Oriented Architecture [soa], the rise of the API [api][api2], Internet of Things [iot], and Big Data [bigdata]. In addition, the level of rigor necessary for compliance, privacy, and security is constantly on the rise. Even still with all of these new concepts coming about, the patterns and needs of dataflow are still largely the same. The primary differences then are the scope of complexity, the rate of change necessary to adapt, and that at scale the edge case becomes common occurrence. NiFi is built to help tackle these modern dataflow challenges.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Liked on YouTube: Demo: How to Connect to a Relational Database Using Apache NiFi

Demo: How to Connect to a Relational Database Using Apache NiFi

This video shows how to connect to MySQL and query records to be used for further processing in Apache NiFi. More details on the blog post:
via YouTube

Monday, October 19, 2020

Liked on YouTube: Jalan jalan minggu sama papah lewat kampung , seru !

Jalan jalan minggu sama papah lewat kampung , seru !

Jalan jalan hari #minggu, sama papah lu tercinta... , Makin jauh makin rame takut kesamber mobil akhirnya pulang hi hi hi. Makasih papah.. #happysunday Lokasi giri mekar permai - cijambe - #bandung
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Saturday, October 17, 2020

Liked on YouTube: Apache Nifi Crash Course

Apache Nifi Crash Course

Introduction: This workshop will provide a hands on introduction to simple event data processing and data flow processing using a Sandbox on students’ personal machines. Format: A short introductory lecture to Apache NiFi and computing used in the lab followed by a demo, lab exercises and a Q&A session. The lecture will be followed by lab time to work through the lab exercises and ask questions. Objective: To provide a quick and short hands-on introduction to Apache NiFi. In the lab, you will install and use Apache NiFi to collect, conduct and curate data-in-motion and data-at-rest with NiFi. You will learn how to connect and consume streaming sensor data, filter and transform the data and persist to multiple data sources. Pre-requisites: Registrants must bring a laptop that has the latest VirtualBox installed and an image for Hortonworks DataFlow (HDF) Sandbox will be provided. Speakers: Andy LoPresto, Timothy Spann
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Liked on YouTube: Lesson1: Overview of Niagara Files

Lesson1: Overview of Niagara Files

Apache NiFi is an easy to use, powerful, and reliable system to process and distribute data. This video will show a demo of its capabilities. For more information visit:
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Liked on YouTube: Setting Up a Secure NiFi to Integrate with a Secure NiFi Registry

Setting Up a Secure NiFi to Integrate with a Secure NiFi Registry

This video walks you through how to secure a NiFi instance using client certificates, configure access policies in NiFi, and then how to integrate it with a secured NiFi Registry to utilize versioned flows. The tutorial should be watched after completing the "Setting Up a Secure Apache NiFi Registry" video (
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Liked on YouTube: Lesson7: Securing NiFi

Lesson7: Securing NiFi

Describes how to secure NiFi For more information visit:
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Sunday, September 20, 2020

Liked on YouTube: Kedai Kopi Tapal Kuda Sumedang

Kedai Kopi Tapal Kuda Sumedang

Kedai Kopi Tapal Kuda berlokasi di objek wisata Pesona Tebing Tapal Kuda Desa Margalaksana #Sumedang Bagi pecinta kopi ataupun pecinta keindahan alam tempat ini sangat sangat pas untuk bercengkrama bersama teman dan keluarga tercinta di puncak tertinggi kab. Sumedang , Alam yang begitu asri dan udara yang sangat sejuk akan lebih berkesan ketika menikmati secangkir kopi nikmat yang disajikan kedai kopi tapal kuda #sumedang. #Kedaikopi tapal kuda hanya berjarak 45 menit berkendaraan dari kota bandung atau sekitar 37 km., Anda bisa mencarinya menggunakan google map dengan kata kunci "kedai tapal kuda sumedang" Informasi detail mengenai objek wisata dan kedai kopi tapal kuda dapat diakses melalui website Grand Launching Nov 2020 ..
via YouTube

Friday, September 18, 2020


Hery Purnama 081-223344-506 adalah Freelance  Certified IT Trainer di kota Bandung , Jakarta, Bali, Yogya yang memberikan  training topik COBIT 5.0 (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology)  (online / offline/ inhouse) ke perusahaan , training center adapun detail materi dan silabus training COBIT 5.0 (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology) serta jadwal dan biaya  dapat Anda dapatkan dengan menghubungi nomor kontak trainer freelance Hery Purnama  atau melalui email herypurnama at Gmail dot com dengan pengalaman mengajar ataupun sebagai praktisi lebih dari 20 tahun di bidang IT dan Management.

Slot waktu Training Online COBIT 5.0 (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology)  yang diberikan Hery Purnama  tersedia dalam 2 batch yaitu jam 09.00 – 14.00 atau jam 16.00 – 14.00 dan tersedia selama 7 hari (senin – Minggu) sehingga memudahkan buat perusahaan Anda yang masih menerapkan WFH (work from home).

Selain Mengajar topik training  COBIT 5.0 (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology) , Trainer Freelance Hery Purnama  juga mengajar  topik topik pelatihan IT training lainnya  diantaranya : RDBMS Concept, Project Management (PMBOK - PMP), QGIS, ITIL V.3/2011, ISO 27001 , COBIT 5,  PMBOK , CISA, ITPM, PMO, PRINCE2, SQA, EDMS, TOGAF 9.1, ISTQB, Knowledge Management System (KMS), DMBOK, BIG DATA, CRISC, MySQL DBA, SQL Server(DBA BACKUP RECOVERY, PERFORMANCE TUNING, Oracle PL/SQL & DBA, POSTGRESQL/POSTGIS DBA , MS. Access VBA Programming , Excel VBA Macro , Visual Foxpro Programming, VBA,VB/, PHP ,Sencha ExtJS,HTML5, AjaxJQuery, UBUNTU Server, Android STUDIO, Jquery Mobile, Phonegap,Project Server,MS.Project, Project Libre, Primavera P6,S.E.O(Internet Marketing), QGIS, MAGENTO, Google MAP API V.3,Google Sketchup 3D, AUTOCAD 2D/3D/MEP ,CATIA V6, PHP FRAMEWORK (ZEND, CAKEPHP, YII, CODEIGNITER, LARAVEL), HADOOP DATA WAREHOUSE, EDMS, UNITY 3D Game, Microsoft Office , Streamset, Software testing, Power BI, Power Query, Network security, microtik, cisco, java programming, internet of Things IOT.], ETL, ELT, Rapidminer


Segera hubungi freelance trainer Hery Purnama untuk info silabus, undangan mengajar atau ingin  mengikuti kelas online-nya  melalui no kontak tertera untuk mendapatkan detail lebih lanjut terkait COBIT 5.0 (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology) . Terima kasih


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Informasi Training 2020 - 2021





Hery Purnama 081-223344-506 adalah Freelance  Certified IT Trainer di kota Bandung , Jakarta, Bali, Yogya yang memberikan  training topik ITIL v.3/2011 Foundation (IT Infrastructure Library)  (online / offline/ inhouse) ke perusahaan , training center adapun detail materi dan silabus training ITIL v.3/2011 Foundation (IT Infrastructure Library) serta jadwal dan biaya  dapat Anda dapatkan dengan menghubungi nomor kontak trainer freelance Hery Purnama  atau melalui email herypurnama at Gmail dot com dengan pengalaman mengajar ataupun sebagai praktisi lebih dari 20 tahun di bidang IT dan Management.

Slot waktu Training Online ITIL v.3/2011 Foundation (IT Infrastructure Library)  yang diberikan Hery Purnama  tersedia dalam 2 batch yaitu jam 09.00 – 14.00 atau jam 16.00 – 14.00 dan tersedia selama 7 hari (senin – Minggu) sehingga memudahkan buat perusahaan Anda yang masih menerapkan WFH (work from home).

Selain Mengajar topik training  ITIL v.3/2011 Foundation (IT Infrastructure Library) , Trainer Freelance Hery Purnama  juga mengajar  topik topik pelatihan IT training lainnya  diantaranya : RDBMS Concept, Project Management (PMBOK - PMP), QGIS, ITIL V.3/2011, ISO 27001 , COBIT 5,  PMBOK , CISA, ITPM, PMO, PRINCE2, SQA, EDMS, TOGAF 9.1, ISTQB, Knowledge Management System (KMS), DMBOK, BIG DATA, CRISC, MySQL DBA, SQL Server(DBA BACKUP RECOVERY, PERFORMANCE TUNING, Oracle PL/SQL & DBA, POSTGRESQL/POSTGIS DBA , MS. Access VBA Programming , Excel VBA Macro , Visual Foxpro Programming, VBA,VB/, PHP ,Sencha ExtJS,HTML5, AjaxJQuery, UBUNTU Server, Android STUDIO, Jquery Mobile, Phonegap,Project Server,MS.Project, Project Libre, Primavera P6,S.E.O(Internet Marketing), QGIS, MAGENTO, Google MAP API V.3,Google Sketchup 3D, AUTOCAD 2D/3D/MEP ,CATIA V6, PHP FRAMEWORK (ZEND, CAKEPHP, YII, CODEIGNITER, LARAVEL), HADOOP DATA WAREHOUSE, EDMS, UNITY 3D Game, Microsoft Office , Streamset, Software testing, Power BI, Power Query, Network security, microtik, cisco, java programming, internet of Things IOT.], ETL, ELT, Rapidminer


Segera hubungi freelance trainer Hery Purnama untuk info silabus, undangan mengajar atau ingin  mengikuti kelas online-nya  melalui no kontak tertera untuk mendapatkan detail lebih lanjut terkait ITIL v.3/2011 Foundation (IT Infrastructure Library) . Terima kasih


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Informasi Training 2020 - 2021





Hery Purnama 081-223344-506 adalah Freelance  Certified IT Trainer di kota Bandung , Jakarta, Bali, Yogya yang memberikan  training topik Best Practice (IT/ Management Public Framework)  (online / offline/ inhouse) ke perusahaan , training center adapun detail materi dan silabus training Best Practice (IT/ Management Public Framework) serta jadwal dan biaya  dapat Anda dapatkan dengan menghubungi nomor kontak trainer freelance Hery Purnama  atau melalui email herypurnama at Gmail dot com dengan pengalaman mengajar ataupun sebagai praktisi lebih dari 20 tahun di bidang IT dan Management.

Slot waktu Training Online Best Practice (IT/ Management Public Framework)  yang diberikan Hery Purnama  tersedia dalam 2 batch yaitu jam 09.00 – 14.00 atau jam 16.00 – 14.00 dan tersedia selama 7 hari (senin – Minggu) sehingga memudahkan buat perusahaan Anda yang masih menerapkan WFH (work from home).

Selain Mengajar topik training  Best Practice (IT/ Management Public Framework) , Trainer Freelance Hery Purnama  juga mengajar  topik topik pelatihan IT training lainnya  diantaranya : RDBMS Concept, Project Management (PMBOK - PMP), QGIS, ITIL V.3/2011, ISO 27001 , COBIT 5,  PMBOK , CISA, ITPM, PMO, PRINCE2, SQA, EDMS, TOGAF 9.1, ISTQB, Knowledge Management System (KMS), DMBOK, BIG DATA, CRISC, MySQL DBA, SQL Server(DBA BACKUP RECOVERY, PERFORMANCE TUNING, Oracle PL/SQL & DBA, POSTGRESQL/POSTGIS DBA , MS. Access VBA Programming , Excel VBA Macro , Visual Foxpro Programming, VBA,VB/, PHP ,Sencha ExtJS,HTML5, AjaxJQuery, UBUNTU Server, Android STUDIO, Jquery Mobile, Phonegap,Project Server,MS.Project, Project Libre, Primavera P6,S.E.O(Internet Marketing), QGIS, MAGENTO, Google MAP API V.3,Google Sketchup 3D, AUTOCAD 2D/3D/MEP ,CATIA V6, PHP FRAMEWORK (ZEND, CAKEPHP, YII, CODEIGNITER, LARAVEL), HADOOP DATA WAREHOUSE, EDMS, UNITY 3D Game, Microsoft Office , Streamset, Software testing, Power BI, Power Query, Network security, microtik, cisco, java programming, internet of Things IOT.], ETL, ELT, Rapidminer


Segera hubungi freelance trainer Hery Purnama untuk info silabus, undangan mengajar atau ingin  mengikuti kelas online-nya  melalui no kontak tertera untuk mendapatkan detail lebih lanjut terkait Best Practice (IT/ Management Public Framework) . Terima kasih



Certitified IT Trainer

081-223344-506 | |

Informasi Training 2020 - 2021







Hery Purnama 081-223344-506 adalah Freelance  Certified IT Trainer di kota Bandung , Jakarta, Bali, Yogya yang memberikan  training berbasis Online untuk topik Best Practice (IT/ Management Public Framework) adapun detail materi dan silabus training Best Practice (IT/ Management Public Framework) serta jadwal dan biaya  dapat Anda dapatkan dengan menghubungi nomor kontak trainer freelance Hery Purnama  atau melalui email herypurnama at Gmail dot com

Slot waktu Training Online Best Practice (IT/ Management Public Framework)  yang diberikan Hery Purnama  tersedia dalam 2 batch yaitu jam 09.00 – 14.00 atau jam 16.00 – 14.00 dan tersedia selama 7 hari (senin – Minggu) sehingga memudahkan buat perusahaan Anda yang masih menerapkan WFH (work from home).

Selain Mengajar topik training  Best Practice (IT/ Management Public Framework) , Trainer Freelance Hery Purnama  juga mengajar  topik topik pelatihan IT training lainnya  diantaranya : RDBMS Concept, Project Management (PMBOK - PMP), QGIS, ITIL V.3/2011, ISO 27001 , COBIT 5,  PMBOK , CISA, ITPM, PMO, PRINCE2, SQA, EDMS, TOGAF 9.1, ISTQB, Knowledge Management System (KMS), DMBOK, BIG DATA, CRISC, MySQL DBA, SQL Server(DBA BACKUP RECOVERY, PERFORMANCE TUNING, Oracle PL/SQL & DBA, POSTGRESQL/POSTGIS DBA , MS. Access VBA Programming , Excel VBA Macro , Visual Foxpro Programming, VBA,VB/, PHP ,Sencha ExtJS,HTML5, AjaxJQuery, UBUNTU Server, Android STUDIO, Jquery Mobile, Phonegap,Project Server,MS.Project, Project Libre, Primavera P6,S.E.O(Internet Marketing), QGIS, MAGENTO, Google MAP API V.3,Google Sketchup 3D, AUTOCAD 2D/3D/MEP ,CATIA V6, PHP FRAMEWORK (ZEND, CAKEPHP, YII, CODEIGNITER, LARAVEL), HADOOP DATA WAREHOUSE, EDMS, UNITY 3D Game, Microsoft Office , Streamset, Software testing, Power BI, Power Query, Network security, microtik, cisco, java programming, internet of Things IOT.], ETL, ELT, Rapidminer


Segera hubungi freelance trainer Hery Purnama untuk info silabus, undangan mengajar atau ingin  mengikuti kelas online-nya  melalui no kontak tertera untuk mendapatkan detail lebih lanjut terkait Best Practice (IT/ Management Public Framework) . Terima kasih



Certitified IT Trainer

081-223344-506 | |

Informasi Training 2020 - 2021






Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Liked on YouTube: 6 Mobile Photography Tips you must know - 2018

6 Mobile Photography Tips you must know - 2018

In this video, Pixel Viilage is giving you 6 tips which anyone can practice and improve ones photography with mobile phones. We get MUSIC from Epidemic Sound. Use the below link to sign up : Link to Varun's YouTube Channel: For Indian Viewers: Honor 7X: OnePlus 6: Huawei P20 Pro: Samsung Galaxy S9: Follow Pixel Viilage : Pixel Viilage Facebook - Pixel Viilage instagram - Follow Radhakrishanan : Facebook - Facebook - Insta - Website -
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Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Google Meluncurkan Android 11 hari ini sept 2020

RESMI Google hari ini 9 sept 2020 mengumumkan peluncuran Android 11 , versi terbaru dari sistem operasi selulernya. Setelah pratinjau publik yang sedikit lebih lama , pengguna yang memiliki sejumlah perangkat Pixel (dimulai dengan Pixel 2), ponsel OnePlus, Xiaomi, OPPO atau realme sekarang akan melihat pembaruan diluncurkan ke ponsel mereka dalam beberapa hari mendatang, dengan yang lain meluncurkan pembaruan mereka selama beberapa bulan ke depan.

Android  11 bukanlah penyimpangan radikal dari apa yang Anda harapkan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, tetapi ada sejumlah pembaruan menarik yang dihadapi pengguna baru di sini yang sebagian besar berpusat di sekitar perpesanan, privasi, dan memberi Anda kontrol yang lebih baik atas semua perangkat pintar Anda .

Inti dari fitur perpesanan dan komunikasi yang ditingkatkan adalah pemberitahuan yang ditingkatkan untuk percakapan dari aplikasi perpesanan Anda. Ini sekarang tinggal di ruang khusus di bagian atas bayangan pemberitahuan dan menampilkan lebih banyak "desain orang-maju," seperti yang dijelaskan oleh perusahaan. Baru API Bubbles sekarang juga membuat chatting gelembung bagian inti dari pengalaman messaging Android.

Salah satu fitur tambahan yang dicantumkan Google di bawah bagian komunikasi adalah perekaman layar, yang sekarang menjadi alat bawaan yang memungkinkan Anda merekam apa yang terjadi di layar Anda, menggunakan suara dari mikrofon, perangkat, atau keduanya. Hingga saat ini, Anda memerlukan aplikasi pihak ketiga seperti AZ Screen Recorder untuk ini (dan Anda masih memerlukan ini untuk fitur yang lebih canggih seperti streaming langsung, misalnya).

Untuk mengontrol perangkat pintar Anda, Google mencatat bagaimana Anda sekarang cukup menekan lama tombol daya untuk mendapatkan akses ke menu baru yang memberi Anda akses ke kontrol perangkat (mirip dengan apa yang Anda temukan di aplikasi Google Home, tetapi dengan desain yang berbeda), serta metode pembayaran dan boarding pass Anda, misalnya. Dan ya, Anda masih dapat memulai ulang dan mematikan perangkat Anda dari sana juga.

Kontrol media juga mendapat desain ulang, dengan kontrol dipindahkan dari notifikasi dan ke bilah pengaturan cepat sebagai gantinya. Dari sana, sekarang juga lebih mudah untuk memilih di mana Anda ingin memutar audio dan video Anda.

Selama beberapa tahun terakhir, tim Android menambahkan sejumlah fitur privasi ke sistem operasi, tetapi ini jelas tetap menjadi target yang bergerak. Dengan pembaruan ini, fokusnya adalah pada izin aplikasi. Sekarang lebih mudah untuk memberikan aplikasi dengan izin satu kali untuk mengakses mikrofon, kamera dan lokasi Anda, membantu Anda memastikan bahwa aplikasi tidak akan memiliki akses terus-menerus ke lokasi Anda, misalnya. Setelah Anda tidak menggunakan aplikasi untuk sementara waktu, Android juga akan mengatur ulang izin Anda dan Anda harus memberikan kembali akses ke aplikasi saat Anda meluncurkannya lagi.

Di sisi perusahaan, Google juga meluncurkan beberapa fitur baru untuk membantu karyawan yang menggunakan beberapa aplikasi pribadi di ponsel kantor mereka menjaga data profil dan aktivitas pribadi mereka dari tangan departemen TI perusahaan mereka.

Jika Anda memiliki ponsel yang kompatibel, Anda akan segera melihat pemberitahuan peningkatan versi untuk Android 11.

sumber :  



Certified IT Trainer

 Call/ SMS/WA :  081.223344.506 , BBM : 7DC633AA
 Social Net :

Hometown : Bandung - Jawa Barat

Please consider your environmental responsibility. Before printing this e-mail message, ask yourself whether you really need a hard copy.

Pasar Ponsel dikuasai samsung

Penjualan ponsel secara global di tahun 2020 telah diperkirakan akan mengalami penurunan. Tapi Samsung tetap akan menguasai pangsa pasar ponsel global.
Berdasarkan laporan terbaru dari Strategy Analytics, pengapalan ponsel global tahun ini akan jatuh sekitar 11% menjadi 1,26 miliar unit pada tahun ini. Angka ini sedikit lebih baik dari perkiraan sebelumnya sebesar 15,6%.

Pasar ponsel diperkirakan baru akan pulih pada tahun 2021 mengikuti pemulihan ekonomi dan semakin luasnya adopsi jaringan 5G. Pengapalan ponsel di tahun 2021 akan meningkat 9%, dengan angka pengapalan tahun 2019 (1,41 miliar unit) akan kembali dicapai pada tahun 2022.

pasar ponsel global 2020
Samsung Masih Akan Rajai Pasar Ponsel Tahun Ini Foto: Strategy Analytics
Untuk pangsa pasar tahun ini, Samsung masih akan berada di posisi pertama dengan mengapalkan 265,5 juta unit ponsel tahun ini, turun dari 295,5 juta unit pada tahun lalu. Tapi performa raksasa Korea Selatan ini akan pulih pada tahun 2021 ketika pengapalan kembali mencapai angka 295 juta unit.

Sementara itu di posisi kedua ada Huawei yang mengapalkan 192,7 juta unit di tahun 2020. Tapi posisi Huawei akan terjun bebas di tahun 2021 menjadi 59 juta unit karena masalah ketersediaan chipset.

4 Produsen Smartphone China Kuasai Pasar Indonesia Versi Counterpoint
Padahal pada awal tahun ini Huawei sempat menyalip posisi Samsung dan menjadi vendor ponsel terbesar di dunia. Tapi pencekalan dari pemerintah AS membuat Huawei kehilangan posisinya.

Di posisi ketiga ada Apple yang diperkirakan akan menjual 190,1 juta unit ponsel tahun ini. Tapi di tahun 2021 Apple akan menggeser Huawei dan mengambil alih posisi kedua dengan mengapalkan 235,7 juta unit.

Terakhir ada Xiaomi yang diperkirakan akan mengapalkan 129,1 juta unit ponsel tahun ini. Vendor asal China ini akan menggusur Huawei di tahun 2021 dan mengapalkan 166,8 juta unit ponsel.

Sumber :



Certified IT Trainer

 Call/ SMS/WA :  081.223344.506 , BBM : 7DC633AA
 Social Net :

Hometown : Bandung - Jawa Barat

Please consider your environmental responsibility. Before printing this e-mail message, ask yourself whether you really need a hard copy.

Monday, August 31, 2020

Trainer Togaf 92 Enterprise Architect Training

Hery Purnama 081223344506 is trainer for TOGAF Foundation training, for inquiry please contact by whatsapp.

Syllabus TOGAF Foundation

Descriptions :
TOGAF (The Open Group Architecture Framework) adalah sebuah framework yang bersifat generik untuk mengembangkan arsitektur yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan bisnis. Jadi perlu dicatat di sini bahwa TOGAF adalah sebuah framework dan bukan arsitektur.
TOGAF sendiri merupakan standard dari Open Group dan awalnya berdasarkan TAFIM (Technical Architecture Framework for Information Management).
TOGAF pertama kali dirilis pada tahun 1996 dan saat ini sudah sampai di versi 9.2.
Mengapa TOGAF banyak digunakan sebagai framework untuk pembuatan arsitektur enterprise?, Saat ini memang TOGAF sangat populer di dunia sebagai framework untuk pembuatan arsitektur enterprise. Tentunya ada beberapa alasan mengapa TOGAF menjadi begitu populer.  Berikut ini beberapa diantaranya:
TOGAF merupakan standard terbuka dan tidak tergantung dari vendor ataupun teknologi yang digunakan
Mendukung keselarasan antara IT dan bisnis
Berdasarkan praktik-praktik terbaik
Dapat disesuaikan sesuai kebutuhan organisasi yang menerapkannya
Merupakan metoda umum yang komprehensif

Objectives :Peserta Memahami metode, fase, teknik , tool pengembangan Arsitektur IT menggunakan TOGAF 9.2

Participants :
- Corporate IT Policy & Governance
- IT Consultant
- IT Manager
- IT Staff

Details :
What Is Enterprises Architecture
The TOGAF . Standard
Overview of Core Concepts
Definition of Enterprise
The Four Architecture Domains - BDAT
Architecture Development Method - ADM
Architecture Work Products - Deliverables, Artifacts and Building Blocks
Enterprise Continuum
Architecture Repository
Architecture Capability
Core Concepts Quiz
Introduction to the ADM
ADM Cycle
Preliminary Phase
ADM Quiz Preliminary and Phase A
Phase B - Business Architecture
Phase C - Information Systems Architecture
Phase C - Data Architecture
Phase C - Application Architecture
Phase D - Technology Architecture
Phase E - Opportunities and Solutions
Phase G - Implementation Governance
Phase H - Architecture Change Management
Requirements Management Phase
Final ADM Quiz
Introduction to ADM Guidelines and Tools
ADM with Architecture Styles
Architecture Principles
Stakeholder Management
Architecture Patterns
Business Scenarios
Gap Analysis
Migration Planning
Business Readiness Transformation Assessment BRTA
Risk Management
Capability Planning
Architecture Capability Framework and Architecture Governance




Microsoft Power BI telah diganti dengan versi yang jauh lebih kuat — Power BI — yang menggabungkan Layanan Power BI, Desktop, dan Mobile menjadi paket intelijen bisnis dan analitik yang tangguh. Dalam kursus ini, pelatih purnamaacademy akan menunjukkan bagaimana dan mengapa untuk mendapatkan hasil maksimal dari perangkat ini, termasuk Power BI Publisher dan aplikasi seluler Power BI. Dalam kursus ini, pelatih menunjukkan bagaimana dan mengapa mendapatkan yang terbaik dari paket ini: Power BI, Penerbit Power BI, dan aplikasi seluler Power BI. Pelajari cara menyambungkan ke sumber data eksternal dan mengunggah file CSV dan Excel, lalu gunakan Power BI Pro untuk membuat laporan, visualisasi, dan dashboard yang berwawasan luas, lengkap dengan bagan dan peta. Dapatkan wawasan lebih lanjut dari data Anda dengan Power BI Q&A dan Microsoft Cortana, lalu bagikan hasilnya dengan kolega. Trainer juga akan mencakup versi desktop dan mobile dari perangkat lunak, yang memungkinkan Anda untuk melakukan analisis secara offline atau saat bepergian.

Tujuan Training
Training Ini akan membahas penggunaan Power BI  yang merupakan pengganti Microsoft Power BI untuk kebutuhan Business Intelegence dan analisa data, peserta juga akan mengenal paket apa saja yang ada di dalam power BI seperti power BI Publisher atau Power BI Mobile Apps. Juga cara terhubung ke data external dan menampilkannya dalam bentuk CSV/ Excel file

Target Peserta
-          Database Administrator
-          IT Staff
-          Data Analyst
-          Management Level
-          Public

Materi Training
  • Signing up for Power BI
  • Connecting to data sources
  • Uploading data such as CSV and XLS files
  • Creating reports, visualizations, charts, and maps
  • Filtering, sorting, copying, and pasting visualizations
  • Downloading custom visuals from the gallery
  • Modifying existing reports
  • Creating and managing data dashboards
  • Querying data with Power BI Q&A and Microsoft Cortana
  • Sharing report and dashboards
  • Using Power BI Desktop

  • DAX in Microsoft Power BI
  • DAX Warm up - create our first measures
  • Advanced DAX - cummulative sales and year to date measures
  • DAX - Timeintelligence - How to get previous Sales
  • DAX - Timeintelligence How to compare any timeframe
  • DAX - Timeintelligence - How to calculate the first and last day sales
  • DAX - All country sales and filter explained
  • Important information for the next lecture
  • What was the best selling weekday on average - Advanced DAX
  • What is the contribution of our top  sales people in our company
  • How many customers did we lose during a  day timeperiod
  • DAX or not to DAX that is the question

  • Report best practices and WOW effect
  • Report creation tips and tricks bookmarks in action
  • Report creation tips and tricks - get additional insights in your report
  • Create  final report
  • How to create a KPI
  • Leverage multiple data inputs
  • How to create Datestables in DAX
  • SUMX vs SUM in Power BI Whats the difference and when to use which example
  • How to create your own BUMP chart in Power BI


HERY PURNAMA 081223344506 Business Intelegence and data Analytics Trainer Jakarta Bandung.


What you'll learn

·         Get up & running with Excel's changing data modeling & business intelligence tools

·         Learn how to use Power Query, Power Pivot & DAX to absolutely revolutionize your workflow in Excel

·         Master unique tips, tools and case studies that you won't find in ANY other course, guaranteed

·         Explore fun, interactive, and highly effective lessons from a best-selling Excel instructor

·         Get LIFETIME access to project files, quizzes and exercises

·         Build pro-quality business intelligence solutions to blend and analyze data from multiple sources


·         IMPORTANT: You need a version of Excel that is compatible with Power Pivot (Excel 2013/2016/2019 Standalone, Office 365, Enterprise E3/E5, Office Professional 2016, etc.)

·         This course is designed for PC users (Power Pivot is currently NOT available for Mac)

·         Experience with Excel PivotTables and formulas & functions is strongly recommended


This course introduces Microsoft Excel's powerful data modeling and business intelligence tools: Power Query, Power Pivot, and Data Analysis Expressions (DAX). If you're looking to become a power Excel user and absolutely supercharge your Excel analytics game, this course is the A-Z guide that you're looking for.

I'll introduce the "Power Excel" landscape, and explore what these Excel tools are all about and why they are changing the world of self-service business intelligence. Together, we'll walk through the Excel BI workflow, and build an entire Excel data model from scratch:

·         First we'll get hands-on with Power Query; a tool to extract, transform, and load data into Excel from flat files, folders, databases, API services and more. We'll practice shaping, blending and exploring our project files in Excel's query editor, and create completely automated loading procedures inside of Excel with only a few clicks.

·         From there we'll dive into Data Modeling , and cover the fundamentals of database design and normalization (including table relationships, cardinality, hierarchies and more). We'll take a tour through the Excel data model interface, introduce some best practices and pro tips, and then create our own relational database to analyze throughout the course.

·         Finally, we'll use Power Pivot and DAX to explore and analyze our Excel data model. Unlike traditional Excel Pivot Tables, Power Pivot allows you to analyze hundreds of millions of rows across multiple data tables (inside of Excel!), and create supercharged calculated fields using a formula language called Data Analysis Expressions (or "DAX" for short). We'll cover basic DAX syntax, then introduce some of the most powerful and commonly-used functions -- CALCULATE, FILTER, SUMX and more.

Who this course is for:

·         Excel users who want to learn advanced data modeling & business intelligence tools

·         Students looking for a comprehensive, engaging, and highly interactive approach to Excel training

·         Anyone looking to become an Excel POWER USER and supercharge their analytics skillset

·         Students looking to pursue a career in data analysis or business intelligence

Course content

Intro to “Power Excel"

·         Understanding the “Power Excel” Workflow

·         Power Query + Power Pivot "Best Thing to Happen to Excel in  Years"

·         When to use Power Query & Power Pivot

Connecting & Transforming Data with Power Query in Excel

·         Introduction

·         Getting to Know Power Query in Excel

·         Exploring Excel's Power Query Editor Preview

·         Power Query Data Loading Options

·         IMPORTANT Updating Locale Settings

·         Applying Basic Table Transformations with Power Query

·         Power Query Demo Text Tools

·         Power Query Demo Number & Value Tools

·         Power Query Demo Date & Time Tools

·         PRO TIP Creating a Rolling Calendar with Power Query

·         Power Query Demo Generating Index & Conditional Columns

·         Power Query Demo Grouping & Aggregating Records

·         Modifying Excel Workbook Queries

·         Merging Queries with Power Query

·         Appending Queries with Power Query

·         Power Query Demo Connecting to a Folder of Files

·         Excel Power Query Best Practices

Building Table Relationships with Excel's Data Model

·         Introduction

·         Meet Excel's "Data Model"

·         The Data Model Data vs. Diagram View

·         Principles of Database Normalization

·         Understanding Data Tables vs. Lookup Tables

·         Benefits of Relationships vs. Merged Tables

·         Creating Table Relationships in Excel's Data Model

·         Modifying Data Model Table Relationships

·         Managing Active vs. Inactive Table Relationships

·         Understanding Relationship Cardinality

·         Connecting Multiple Data Tables in the Data Model

·         Understanding Filter Flow

·         Hiding Fields from Excel Client Tools

·         Defining Hierarchies in a Data Model

·         Excel Data Model Best Practices

Analyzing Data with Power Pivot & DAX

·         Creating a "Power" Pivot Table

·         Power Pivots vs. “Normal” Pivots in Excel


Introducing Data Analysis Expressions (DAX)

·         Understanding DAX Calculated Columns

·         Understanding DAX Measures

·         Creating Implicit DAX Measures

·         Creating Explicit DAX Measures with AutoSum

·         Creating Explicit DAX Measures with Power Pivot

·         Understanding DAX Filter Context

·         Step-by-Step DAX Measure Calculation

·         RECAP Calculated Columns vs. DAX Measures

·         Excel Power Pivot & DAX Best Practices

Common DAX Formulas & Functions

·         Understanding DAX Formula Syntax & Operators

·         Common DAX Function Categories

·         DAX Demo Basic Math & Stats Functions


·         HOMEWORK Math & Stats Functions

·         DAX Demo Logical Functions (IF/AND/OR)

·         DAX Demo SWITCH & SWITCH(TRUE)

·         DAX Demo Common Text Functions

·         Logical & Text Functions

·         DAX Demo CALCULATE

·         DAX Demo Adding Filter Context with FILTER (Part )

·         DAX Demo Adding Filter Context with FILTER (Part )

·         DAX Demo Removing Filter Context with ALL

·         DAX Demo Joining Data with RELATED

·         DAX Demo Iterating with SUMX

·         DAX Demo Iterating with RANKX

·         Practice Iterator ("X") Functions

·         DAX Demo Basic Date & Time Functions

DAX Demo Time Intelligence Formulas

Practice Time Intelligence

·         DAX Speed & Performance Considerations

·         DAX Best Practices

Wrapping Up

·         Data Visualization Options in Excel

·         Sneak Peek Microsoft Power BI


Thursday, August 27, 2020


Hery Purnama Certified IT Trainer for topics :

Best Practice (IT/ Management Public Framework)

  • ITIL v.3/2011 Foundation (IT Infrastructure Library)
  • COBIT 5.0 (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology)
  • TOGAF (The Open Group Architecture Framework)
  • PMBOK (PMP/ CAPM) (Project Management Body of Knowledge)
  • CRISC (Certified in Risk and Information System Control) 
  • PMO (Project Management Office)
  • ISTQB (International Software Testing Qualification Board)
  • SQA (Software Quality Assuarance)
  • PRINCE2 (Projects IN Controlled Environments)
  • CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor)
  • RDBMS Concept
  • ITAM – IT Asset Management
  • SAD UML (System Analysis Design with UML 2.0
  • SEO & Digital Marketing
  • e-Filling with EDMS (Electronic Document Management System)
  • ISO/IEC 27001:2013 (Information Security),
  • ISO/IEC 20000 (IT Service Management)
  • ISO/IEC 38500:2008 (Corporate Governance of Information Technology)
  • ISO/IEC 90003:2014 (Software Engineering)
  • Six SIGMA Foundation (Green Belt)
  • IIoT (Industrial 4.0 Internet of Things)
  • Managerial Skills and Leadership
  • KMS - Knowledge Management System
  • eLMS – Electronic Learning Management System
  • CCISO (Certified Chief Information Security Officer)
  • CISM (Certified Information Security Manager)
  • CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional)

Project Tools

  • Microsoft Project / Project Web Server
  • Primavera P6
  • Project Libre


·         QGIS (Quantum GIS)

·         ArcGIS

·         ArcGIS Operations Dashboard


Big Data,  Machine Learning, Content Mining Analysis


·         Apache Hadoop (HDFS, hive, Hbase, Sqoop)

·         Apache Spark (PySpark, RDD, SparkSQL, Spark Streaming, Spark Graph, Mlib)

·         IBM Watson Explorer

·         Big Data Analyzing with Microsoft R

·         Tableau Data Visualization | Visual Analytics | Data Communications

·         IBM Cognos Analytics

·         Qlik Sense Data Analytics



·         StreamSets Fundamental (StreamSets Data Collector)

·         StreamSets Advanced (StreamSets Dataflow Performance Manager)


DevOps Tools

·         Vagrant, Ansible, Chef, Puppet, Jenkins, Docker, Kebernetes, Nagios


Software Testing Tools

·         Selenium (IDE, Client, Server), Selendroid, Appium, Google Espresso



  • Oracle DBA
  • SQL Server DBA / SRSS (Reporting Services) / Business Intelligence / Data Model/ Power BI
  • Microsoft Access 2013/2016 Fundamental & VBA Programing
  • PostGreSQL/ PostGIS DBA
  • SQLite
  • DynamoDB
  • MariaDB DBA
  • IBM DB2 Fundamental Admin


  • ASP.Net Fundamental
  • VB. Net Fundamental/ Advanced
  • PHP MySQL Fundamental/Advanced
  • Web Service (JSON, XML, SOAP, RestFull)
  • Java Web Programming Fundamental
  • Erlang Programming Fundamental
  • Python & Django Programming Fundamental/ Advanced
  • AS400 Programming


Industrial Software / IoT (Internet of Things)

·         SCADA SYSTEM (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition)

·         Programming ESP8266  For IoT Applications Development with Thinkspeak Framework

PHP Framework

  • Codeigniter Fundamental/Advanced
  • Yii Fundamental
  • Laravel Fundamental/ Advanced
  • Zend Fundamental/ Advanced
  • Cakephp Fundamental/ Advanced

UML Tools

·         SPARX Enterprise Architect

·         Archi 4.2 Enterprise Architect


CMS / E-Commerce

  • Wordpress Fundamental/ Advanced
  • Joomla Fundamental/ Advanced
  • Magento E-Commerce Fundamental/ Advanced
  • Prestashop  Fundamental / Advanced
  • Drupal Fundamental / Advanced

Javascript Framework

  • Sencha ExtJS
  • Angular Js
  • Backbone Js
  • Ember Js
  • Ajax JQuery
  • React Js, React Native
  • Xamarin

Mobile Apps. Development

  • Android Studio
  • Phonegap / Cordova
  • HTML 5 , CSS 3
  • Jquery Mobile / IONIC
  • Sencha Touch
  • Swift – IOS

End User ,  Graphics, Web Design

  • Word, Excel, PowerPoint
  • Corel Draw , Photoshop, In Design, Illustrator
  • Web Design with Dreamweaver & Fireworks
  • Adobe Premiere Pro

Excel Advanced

  • Excel Advanced for Business & Accounting
  • Excel VBA Macro Programming
  • Excel PowerPivot , PowerView, Power BI

CAD Software

  • Autocad 2D/3D Fundamental
  • Catia 3D Fundamental
  • Google Sketchup 3D Fundamental
  • 3D Max Studio Fundamental
  • 3D Maya Fundamental


Game/ Animation Development Tools

  • Unity 5 , 3D Game Development
  • Blender , 3D DAZ

Developer Toolbox

  • Google Developer Toolbox
  • Google Map API V.3
  • SMS Gateway
  • Facebook API Graph




Certified IT Trainer

 Call/ SMS/WA :  081.223344.506 , BBM : 7DC633AA
 Social Net :

Hometown : Bandung - Jawa Barat

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Certified IT Trainer

 Call/ SMS/WA :  081.223344.506 , BBM : 7DC633AA
 Social Net :

Hometown : Bandung - Jawa Barat

Please consider your environmental responsibility. Before printing this e-mail message, ask yourself whether you really need a hard copy.