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Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Trainer CGEIT Exam Preparation Training - Hery Purnama

SYLLABUS  Course Title: CGEIT Exam Preparation Training

Hery Purnama CGEIT Trainer 081223344506

Course Description: The CGEIT Exam Preparation Training is designed to provide participants with the comprehensive knowledge and skills required to pass the Certified in Governance of Enterprise IT (CGEIT) exam. This course covers the key domains and topics outlined in the ISACA CGEIT curriculum, focusing on the governance of enterprise IT and its alignment with business objectives.

Course Objectives: By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

1. Understand the key concepts, principles, and components of enterprise IT governance.

2. Apply risk management methodologies and techniques to ensure IT governance.

3. Implement IT governance frameworks, structures, and processes.

4. Align IT governance with business goals and strategies.

5. Prepare effectively for the CGEIT exam and pass with confidence.

Course Outline:

Module 1: Framework for the Governance of Enterprise IT

Introduction to CGEIT and enterprise IT governance

Components and principles of enterprise IT governance

Integrating enterprise IT governance with corporate governance

Roles and responsibilities of IT governance

Module 2: Strategic Management

Aligning IT with business strategy and goals

IT strategic planning and performance measurement

IT portfolio management and investment decision-making

IT governance metrics and reporting

IT governance and organizational culture

Module 3: Benefits Realization

Benefits management and value delivery in IT projects and initiatives

Performance measurement and metrics for IT investments

IT investment governance and decision-making

IT project governance and oversight

Change management and benefits realization

Module 4: Risk Optimization

Identifying and assessing IT-related risks

Risk management frameworks and methodologies

Implementing risk response and mitigation strategies

IT risk governance and compliance

Business continuity planning and IT resilience

Module 5: Resource Optimization

IT resource management and optimization

IT resource planning, acquisition, and utilization

IT sourcing strategies and vendor management

IT service management and service level agreements

IT contracts and procurement management

Module 6: Exam Preparation and Practice Tests

CGEIT exam format and requirements

Review of key topics and concepts

Practice exams and feedback

Note: The syllabus can be further customized based on specific training program requirements and the ISACA CGEIT curriculum. It is recommended to allocate sufficient time for each module and its subtopics based on the complexity of the subject matter and the needs of the participants. Additionally, interactive discussions, case studies, and practical exercises can be incorporated to enhance learning and application of knowledge.

Undangan Mengajar Trainer,


Jakarta, Bandung

Hubungi : 
Hery Purnama
Certified IT Trainer
Whatsapp 081-223344-506
Hometown : Bandung

OCA (Oracle Certified Associate – Oracle 11g)

OCA (Oracle Certified Associate – MySQL 5.6)

CDMP (Certified Data Management Professional) 

CISM (Certified Information Security Manager) 

CGEIT (Certified in Governance of Enterprise IT)

PMP (Project Management Professional – PMI)

CAPM (Certified Associate in Project Management ) 

CRISC (Certified in Risk & Information System Control)

COBIT 5 / 2019 Foundation , COBIT 2019 DESIGN

ITILF(IT Infrastructure LibraryV.3 Foundation)

CISA (Certified Information System Auditor – ISACA) 

CTFL-ISTQB (Certified Tester Foundation Level)

CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional)

CCISO (Certified Chief Information Security Officer)

CISM (Certified Information Security Manager)


CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional)

CDPSE (Certified Data Privacy Solution Engineer)

CBAP (Certified Business Analysis Professional)

TOGAF9 (The Open Group Architecture Framework)

IBM Certified Designer - IBM Cognos 10 Multidimensional Report


Trainer CISM (Certified Information Security Manager)

 CISM (Certified Information Security Manager)  Syllabus

Course Title: CISM Exam Preparation Training

Course Description: The CISM Exam Preparation Training is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to pass the Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) exam. This course covers the key domains and topics outlined in the ISACA CISM curriculum, providing a comprehensive understanding of information security management principles and best practices.

Course Objectives: By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

1. Understand the key concepts, principles, and components of information security management.

2. Apply risk management methodologies and techniques in an information security context.

3. Implement information security governance frameworks and processes.

4. Develop and manage information security program and incident response.

5. Prepare effectively for the CISM exam and pass with confidence.

Course Outline:

Module 1: Information Security Governance

Information security governance concepts and frameworks

Developing and maintaining an information security strategy

Establishing and managing information security policies, standards, and procedures

Module 2: Information Risk Management

Risk management principles and practices

Conducting risk assessments and risk treatment strategies

Implementing risk monitoring and reporting mechanisms

Module 3: Information Security Program Development and Management

Developing and implementing an information security program

Information security program management and oversight

Metrics and performance monitoring for information security programs

Module 4: Information Security Incident Management

Incident management concepts and practices

Developing and managing an incident response plan

Conducting incident response and recovery activities

Module 5: Governance and Management of IT Assets

Identification, classification, and ownership of information assets

Managing the lifecycle of information assets

Information asset controls and monitoring

Module 6: Exam Preparation and Practice Tests

CISM exam format and requirements

Review of key topics and concepts

Practice exams and feedback

Note: The syllabus can be customized based on the specific requirements of the training program and the ISACA CISM curriculum. It is recommended to allocate sufficient time for each module based on the complexity of the topics and the needs of the participants. Additionally, hands-on exercises, case studies, and group discussions can be incorporated to enhance learning and application of knowledge.

Undangan Mengajar Trainer,


Jakarta, Bandung

Hubungi : 

Hery Purnama

Certified IT Trainer

Whatsapp 081-223344-506

Hometown : Bandung

OCA (Oracle Certified Associate – Oracle 11g)

OCA (Oracle Certified Associate – MySQL 5.6)

CDMP (Certified Data Management Professional) 

CISM (Certified Information Security Manager) 

CGEIT (Certified in Governance of Enterprise IT)

PMP (Project Management Professional – PMI)

CAPM (Certified Associate in Project Management ) 

CRISC (Certified in Risk & Information System Control)

COBIT 5 / 2019 Foundation , COBIT 2019 DESIGN

ITILF(IT Infrastructure LibraryV.3 Foundation)

CISA (Certified Information System Auditor – ISACA) 

CTFL-ISTQB (Certified Tester Foundation Level)

CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional)

CCISO (Certified Chief Information Security Officer)

CISM (Certified Information Security Manager)


CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional)

CDPSE (Certified Data Privacy Solution Engineer)

CBAP (Certified Business Analysis Professional)

TOGAF9 (The Open Group Architecture Framework)

IBM Certified Designer - IBM Cognos 10 Multidimensional Report


Syllabus CDMP Associate Exam Preparation Training

Hery Purnama 081223344506 is CDMP / DMBOK 2.0 Exam Preparation Trainer.

Syllabus Course Title: CDMP Associate Exam Preparation Training

Course Description: The CDMP Associate Exam Preparation Training is designed to provide participants with the knowledge and understanding required to pass the CDMP Associate exam based on DMBOK 2.0. This course will cover the key domains and topics outlined in the DMBOK 2.0 curriculum, providing a comprehensive understanding of data management principles, practices, and techniques.

Course Objectives: By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

1. Understand the concepts, principles, and practices of data management.

2. Apply techniques and methods in data management.

3. Implement data management policies and procedures.

4. Understand the role and responsibilities of a Data Management Professional.

5. Prepare effectively for the CDMP Associate exam and pass with confidence.

Course Outline:

Module 1: Introduction to Data Management

Definition and concepts of data management

Objectives and benefits of data management

Role of a Data Management Professional

Module 2: Data Management Strategy

Relationship between organizational strategy and data management

Application of data management frameworks

Identifying business needs and prioritizing data

Module 3: Data Governance

Concepts and principles of data governance

Components and processes of data governance

Roles and responsibilities in data governance

Module 4: Data Modeling and Database Design

Conceptual, logical, and physical data modeling

Relational database design

Techniques for normalization and denormalization

Module 5: Data Quality Management

Definition and importance of data quality

Methods for measuring and improving data quality

Implementation of data quality policies and procedures

Module 6: Data Application Development

Data application development process

Planning and analyzing data requirements

Designing, implementing, and testing data applications

Module 7: Metadata Management

Definition and role of metadata in data management

Implementation of metadata management

Integration of metadata with other data management activities

Module 8: Data Security Management

Principles and practices of data security management

Data access and authorization management

Protection of personal data and privacy policies

Module 9: Data Management and Organizational Change

Impact of organizational change on data management

Managing data changes in an organizational context

Communication and stakeholder engagement in data-related changes

Module 10: Exam Preparation and Simulation Exercises

CDMP Associate exam format and requirements

Review of key topics and concepts

Practice exams and feedback

Please note that this syllabus can be customized based on specific training program requirements and the CDMP Associate DMBOK 2.0 curriculum. It is recommended to allocate additional time for practical exercises, group discussions, and real-life examples to enhance understanding and exam readiness.

Tahapan Mengisi CISA Application Form


ujian CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor) diselenggarakan oleh ISACA (Information Systems Audit and Control Association). ISACA adalah organisasi profesional yang mengkhususkan diri dalam bidang audit sistem informasi, pengendalian keamanan, dan tata kelola teknologi informasi.

Ujian CISA adalah ujian yang dirancang untuk mengukur pengetahuan dan keterampilan seorang profesional dalam bidang audit sistem informasi. Ujian ini menguji pemahaman tentang konsep-konsep dasar audit sistem informasi, proses audit, pengendalian keamanan, pemulihan bencana, manajemen risiko, dan topik-topik terkait lainnya.

Setelah lulus ujian CISA, seseorang dapat mengajukan aplikasi untuk mendapatkan sertifikasi CISA resmi dari ISACA. Aplikasi tersebut melibatkan pengisian formulir aplikasi, melampirkan bukti lulus ujian, serta melaporkan pengalaman kerja yang relevan.

Jadi, CISA Exam adalah ujian yang diadakan oleh ISACA sebagai bagian dari proses untuk mendapatkan sertifikasi CISA.

Berikut adalah langkah-langkah terperinci untuk mengisi formulir aplikasi CISA setelah lulus ujian. Saya akan memberikan contoh dan memberikan informasi tentang apa yang harus diperhatikan dan tindakan apa yang harus dilakukan setelah pengisian.

Bagian 1: Application Detail Pada bagian ini, Anda akan diminta untuk mengisi informasi pribadi Anda. Berikut adalah beberapa contoh bidang yang mungkin harus diisi:

Nama lengkap: Contoh: Hery Purnama

Alamat: Contoh: Jl. Rawa Bebek No.123, Kel. Majujalan, Kec. Sukasuka, Bandung 40122

Nomor telepon: Contoh: +62-22- 456-7890

Alamat email: Contoh:

Pekerjaan saat ini: Contoh: Auditor Sistem Informasi

Bagian 2: Step 1 - Pass Exam Bagian ini akan meminta Anda untuk memberikan informasi tentang ujian CISA yang telah Anda luluskan. Berikut adalah contoh bidang yang harus diisi:

Tanggal ujian: Contoh: 15 Mei 2023

Skor ujian: Contoh: 450 (Skala skor maksimum adalah 800)

Nomor sertifikat: Contoh: 123456789

Bagian 3: Step 2 - Report Work Experience Pada bagian ini, Anda harus melaporkan pengalaman kerja Anda yang relevan dengan prinsip-prinsip audit sistem informasi. Bagian ini terdiri dari beberapa sub-bagian:

Section A: IS Audit, Control, Assurance Experience (Required) Anda harus memberikan rincian tentang pengalaman kerja Anda yang berhubungan dengan audit sistem informasi. Berikut adalah contoh bidang yang harus diisi:

Nama perusahaan: Contoh: ABC Corporation

Tanggal mulai dan selesai: Contoh: Januari 2015 - Desember 2018

Jabatan: Contoh: Auditor Sistem Informasi

Deskripsi pekerjaan: Contoh: Melakukan audit sistem informasi, mengidentifikasi kelemahan keamanan, dan memberikan rekomendasi perbaikan.

Section B: General Work Experience Waiver (Optional) Bagian ini adalah pilihan dan dapat diabaikan jika tidak berlaku untuk Anda. Ini memungkinkan Anda untuk melaporkan pengalaman kerja umum yang tidak secara khusus terkait dengan audit sistem informasi.

Section C: Education Experience Waivers (Optional) Bagian ini juga adalah pilihan dan dapat diabaikan jika tidak berlaku untuk Anda. Ini memberikan kesempatan untuk melaporkan pengalaman pendidikan yang dapat dianggap sebagai pengalaman kerja.

Section D: Experience Total (A, B, C) must be 5 years Pada bagian ini, Anda perlu menjumlahkan total pengalaman kerja yang dilaporkan di bagian A, B, dan C untuk memastikan bahwa totalnya mencapai 5 tahun.

Setelah mengisi formulir aplikasi, ada beberapa tindakan yang harus dilakukan:

1. Periksa kembali formulir aplikasi untuk memastikan bahwa semua informasi yang Anda berikan akurat dan lengkap.

2. Pastikan Anda telah melampirkan salinan sertifikat lulus ujian CISA.

3. Jika relevan, pastikan Anda telah melampirkan dokumen pendukung lainnya, seperti salinan kontrak kerja atau surat referensi yang mengonfirmasi pengalaman kerja Anda.

4. Simpan salinan formulir aplikasi dan semua dokumen pendukung yang Anda lampirkan untuk referensi di masa depan.

5. Setelah semua dokumen siap, Anda dapat mengirim formulir aplikasi dan dokumen-dokumen pendukungnya ke ISACA melalui saluran yang ditentukan oleh ISACA. Informasi tentang di mana dan bagaimana mengirim formulir aplikasi biasanya tersedia di situs web ISACA atau dalam instruksi aplikasi.

Penting untuk mengikuti petunjuk dan persyaratan yang tercantum dalam formulir aplikasi serta mengacu pada panduan terkini yang disediakan oleh ISACA untuk memastikan pengiriman yang tepat dan sukses.

Harap dicatat bahwa contoh-contoh yang diberikan di atas hanya ilustratif dan Anda harus mengisi formulir aplikasi dengan informasi pribadi dan pengalaman kerja yang sesuai dengan keadaan Anda sendiri.

Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan lebih lanjut tentang formulir aplikasi CISA atau membutuhkan bantuan tambahan, jangan ragu untuk bertanya kepada saya.

Demikian, Terima kasih


Hery Purnama
CISA Trainer