CIPM Trainer : Hery Purnama , SE., MM.
Deskripsi Pelatihan:
Pelatihan ini dirancang untuk memberikan pemahaman mendalam tentang manajemen privasi informasi dan persiapan untuk ujian Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM) dari International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP). Peserta akan diajarkan konsep-konsep kunci dalam manajemen privasi, peraturan privasi yang relevan, kerangka kerja privasi, dan praktik-praktik terbaik dalam mengelola privasi informasi.
Objective Pelatihan:
- Memahami pentingnya manajemen privasi informasi dalam organisasi.
- Menguasai konsep-konsep utama dalam manajemen privasi dan peraturan privasi yang berlaku.
- Memahami kerangka kerja dan siklus hidup operasional privasi.
- Mampu mengidentifikasi risiko privasi dan mengembangkan strategi mitigasi.
- Memahami praktik-praktik terbaik dalam mengelola insiden privasi dan menanggapi pelanggaran data.
- Persiapan yang efektif untuk ujian CIPM IAPP.
Persyaratan Pelatihan:
- Pemahaman dasar tentang teknologi informasi dan manajemen data.
- Familiaritas dengan konsep-konsep hukum dan regulasi yang terkait dengan privasi.
Persyaratan Ujian:
- Menyelesaikan program pelatihan.
- Menjadi anggota IAPP.
- Menyetujui Kode Etik Profesional IAPP.
Biaya Ujian:
- Biaya ujian CIPM adalah $550 USD untuk member/ non member IAPP
Durasi Ujian:
- Ujian CIPM terdiri dari 90 pertanyaan pilihan ganda dan memiliki durasi 2,5 jam + Break 15 Menit
Materi Pelatihan (CIPM Domains)
Domain I: Privacy Program: Developing a Framework
Developing a Framework documents the preliminary tasks required to create a solid foundation for the privacy program, the purposes of the program and who is responsible for the program. It focuses on establishing the privacy program governance model within the context of the organization’s privacy strategy. As each organization may have its own needs, the model could vary among organizations.
Domain II: Privacy Program: Establishing Program Governance
identifies how the privacy requirements will be implemented across the organization through all stages of the privacy life cycle. The Domain focuses on the roles, responsibilities and training requirements of the various stakeholders, and the policies and procedures that will be followed to ensure continuous compliance.
Domain III: Privacy Program Operational Life Cycle: Assessing Data
Encompasses how to identify and minimize privacy risks and assess the privacy impacts associated
with an organization’s systems, processes, and products. Addressing potential
problems early will help to establish a more robust privacy program.
Domain IV: Privacy Program Operational Life Cycle: Protecting Personal Data
Outlines how to protect data assets during use through the implementation of effective privacy and security controls and technology. Regardless of size, geographic location, or industry, data must be physically and virtually secure at all levels of the organization.
Domain V: Privacy Program Operational Life Cycle: Sustaining Program Performance
Details how the privacy program is sustained using pertinent metrics and auditing procedures. As an organization moves through the cycles of managing their privacy program, it is important to ensure that all processes and procedures are
functioning effectively and are replicable going forward.
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