Thursday, September 19, 2024

Hery Purnama – Trainer in DevOps and Automation Tools


Profile: Hery Purnama – Certified Trainer in DevOps and Automation Tools

Contact: Hery Purnama | WhatsApp: 081-223344-506

Hery Purnama is an accomplished trainer specializing in DevOps and Automation Tools, with expertise in modern infrastructure management, continuous integration, and deployment pipelines. His training programs are designed to help IT professionals master the leading DevOps tools, such as Vagrant, Git, Docker, Ansible, Chef, Puppet, Jenkins, Kubernetes, and Nagios, enabling them to streamline development and operations processes for more efficient, automated workflows.


  1. Vagrant

    • Hery’s training on Vagrant focuses on virtualized development environments:
      • Setting up and configuring reproducible development environments.
      • Working with Vagrant boxes for virtual machine management.
      • Integrating Vagrant with other DevOps tools for seamless development and testing processes.
  2. Git

    • Participants will learn the ins and outs of Git, the most widely used version control system:
      • Managing source code with Git repositories.
      • Branching strategies, merging, and conflict resolution.
      • Collaborative workflows such as Gitflow and GitOps.
      • Integrating Git with CI/CD pipelines for automated testing and deployment.
  3. Docker

    • Hery’s Docker training equips participants to manage containerized applications efficiently:
      • Understanding Docker architecture, images, containers, and registries.
      • Building, shipping, and running containerized applications.
      • Working with Docker Compose for multi-container applications.
      • Best practices for securing Docker environments and optimizing container performance.
  4. Ansible

    • Training on Ansible focuses on configuration management and application deployment automation:
      • Automating IT infrastructure with Ansible Playbooks and roles.
      • Managing complex deployments across multiple systems.
      • Best practices for provisioning and managing servers with Ansible.
      • Integrating Ansible with Jenkins for Continuous Delivery pipelines.
  5. Chef

    • Hery’s Chef training emphasizes infrastructure automation:
      • Writing Chef Recipes and Cookbooks to automate configuration.
      • Managing infrastructure at scale with Chef Server.
      • Ensuring compliance and security with automated configuration policies.
      • Integrating Chef into CI/CD pipelines for automated deployments.
  6. Puppet

    • This course covers the use of Puppet for automated infrastructure management:
      • Writing Puppet manifests to define infrastructure as code.
      • Managing system configuration across environments with Puppet Modules.
      • Using Puppet to automate security updates and configuration changes.
      • Implementing Puppet Enterprise for large-scale deployments.
  7. Jenkins

    • Hery’s training on Jenkins, a leader in CI/CD, helps participants automate their build, test, and deployment processes:
      • Setting up and configuring Jenkins Pipelines for Continuous Integration (CI).
      • Automating deployment processes with Jenkins Jobs.
      • Integrating Jenkins with other DevOps tools such as Git, Docker, and Ansible for streamlined delivery.
      • Monitoring builds and ensuring the quality of code with automated testing.
  8. Kubernetes

    • Kubernetes training focuses on container orchestration and management:
      • Deploying, scaling, and managing containerized applications using Kubernetes.
      • Understanding Kubernetes architecture: Pods, Services, Deployments, and Namespaces.
      • Building resilient, scalable, and fault-tolerant microservices with Kubernetes.
      • Monitoring and securing Kubernetes clusters with best practices.
  9. Nagios

    • Hery offers training on Nagios, a powerful monitoring tool:
      • Setting up Nagios for network, system, and service monitoring.
      • Configuring Nagios to provide real-time alerts and reports.
      • Integrating Nagios with other monitoring tools to ensure comprehensive infrastructure oversight.
      • Automating responses to system failures with custom scripts and notifications.

Why Choose Hery Purnama?

  • Proven Expertise: Hery is certified across a wide range of DevOps tools, ensuring deep, practical knowledge for his participants.

  • Hands-On Training: Each course is structured around real-world scenarios with hands-on labs, allowing participants to apply their knowledge immediately.

  • Industry-Relevant Examples: Hery’s vast experience across industries, including finance, manufacturing, and tech, ensures his examples and training are relevant to diverse operational environments.

  • End-to-End DevOps Solutions: His training covers the full spectrum of DevOps, from version control and containerization to infrastructure automation and continuous monitoring, offering participants a holistic approach to modern IT operations.

For more information or to book a session with Hery Purnama, contact via WhatsApp at 081-223344-506.


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