Thursday, September 19, 2024

Trainer Developer Toolbox Specialist


Profile: Hery Purnama – Developer Toolbox Specialist

Contact: Hery Purnama | WhatsApp: 081-223344-506

Hery Purnama provides expert training in essential developer tools and APIs, equipping professionals with the skills needed to integrate and leverage these powerful resources effectively in their projects.


  1. Google Developer Toolbox

    • Overview of Google Developer Tools:

      • Google Cloud Platform (GCP): Introduction to Google Cloud services, including computing, storage, and machine learning tools.
      • Google Analytics: Setting up and using Google Analytics to track and analyze website traffic and user behavior.
      • Google Search Console: Managing and optimizing your website’s presence in Google Search results.
    • Development Tools and Services:

      • Google Firebase: Using Firebase for backend services, including real-time databases, authentication, and cloud messaging.
      • Google App Engine: Deploying and scaling applications on Google’s cloud infrastructure.
    • Integration and API Usage:

      • API Integration: Integrating Google APIs into applications for enhanced functionality and performance.
      • Best Practices: Implementing best practices for using Google’s development tools effectively.
  2. Google Maps API V3

    • Introduction to Google Maps API:

      • API Basics: Understanding the fundamentals of the Google Maps API and its various services.
      • API Key Management: Obtaining and managing API keys for accessing Google Maps services.
    • Implementing Maps in Applications:

      • Custom Maps: Creating and customizing interactive maps for web and mobile applications.
      • Markers and Overlays: Adding markers, overlays, and other elements to enhance map functionality.
    • Advanced Features:

      • Geocoding and Reverse Geocoding: Converting addresses to geographic coordinates and vice versa.
      • Distance Matrix API: Calculating travel distances and durations between multiple locations.
  3. SMS Gateway

    • Overview of SMS Gateways:

      • Introduction: Understanding SMS gateways and their role in sending and receiving text messages.
      • Choosing an SMS Gateway: Evaluating and selecting the right SMS gateway provider for your needs.
    • Integration and Implementation:

      • API Integration: Integrating SMS gateway APIs into applications for automated messaging.
      • Best Practices: Implementing best practices for reliable and efficient SMS messaging.
    • Use Cases and Examples:

      • Notification Systems: Setting up SMS notifications for user alerts and confirmations.
      • Marketing Campaigns: Using SMS for marketing and promotional campaigns.
  4. Facebook Graph API

    • Introduction to Facebook Graph API:

      • API Basics: Understanding the Graph API and its capabilities for interacting with Facebook’s data.
      • API Authentication: Setting up and managing authentication for accessing Facebook’s Graph API.
    • Accessing Facebook Data:

      • User Data: Retrieving user data, including profiles, posts, and photos, with appropriate permissions.
      • Page Management: Managing Facebook Pages, including posts, comments, and insights.
    • Advanced Features:

      • Post Publishing: Publishing posts and updates to user timelines or Pages.
      • Analytics and Reporting: Using the Graph API for insights and analytics on Facebook engagement.

Why Choose Hery Purnama for Developer Toolbox Training?

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Training includes both fundamental and advanced aspects of essential developer tools and APIs.

  • Practical Experience: Hands-on exercises and real-world examples to build practical skills and apply knowledge effectively.

  • Expert Guidance: Learn from an expert with extensive experience in integrating and using developer tools and APIs.

For specialized training in Google Developer Toolbox, Google Maps API, SMS Gateway integration, and Facebook Graph API, contact Hery Purnama via WhatsApp at 081-223344-506.


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